The D.A Illyana limbo

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    Earth 8
    @Alicia, @Witchy_woowoo , and @Bettyboop22 are ♑III
    @EuEgEnE is a ♉I
    @Honey Badger Dont Care @Nolan 🎵 @Tiktoks loose skin @ mrsdoubtfire and @Medusa are ♍iv

    Air 10
    @Patty B @HairyPoppins @Noah peel and @illyana @illyana @limbo.queen are♊ IV
    @Jeppers_creepers and @freddieMercurysCat ♒ II
    @tonys rosary beads @sarah dog mum factfreak and @dilligaf ♎ IV

    Fire/Earth Cusps 4
    @Birdie @RedRedWine🍷 Wine and @CLAs Fish Pie are cusps ♌♍ III
    @The Narrative is
    /♉ I

    Fire -4 (?)
    @The Shagging Wagon💅 and @EverWandering ♐ II
    @HereForTea is ♌ I

    Water 5
    @𝕵𝖚𝖉𝖆𝖘 🐆 @MMM are ♓ II
    @Little Marshmallow @kozmickush and @I'm snail not a slug are a ♏ II

    Fat cunt Tam
    @ roxy mitchell

    Joaquin Phoenix Film GIF