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  • Who is Lou?​

    Lifewithloux (TikTok 1, TikTok 2, TikTok 3, Instagram) is a "content creator" who spends most of her time in a government provided bungalow begging for sympathy, promising new content and inserting herself into other peoples drama. She's active on TikTok, and sometimes shows up on Insta when the beg needs more work.

    She has struggled with addiction for years, and has been on several schemes to try and help. She's rejected these at every turn.

    She has 3 children, O, M, A (don't post their full names, they didn't ask for this). O & M live with their dad after being removed from Lou's care, due to drugs and neglect. A was adopted shortly after birth. Lou sees A occasionally, because his new family seem to be lovely people.

    She has several cats. The number keeps changing because she doesn't neuter/spay them, or they "run away". Her neglect has killed at least one kitten.

    Things to remember about Lou​

    Lou lies, constantly.​

    Lou isn't "clean"​

    Lou will talk about how she's in recovery. Whilst she used to have a problem with harder drugs (she claims heroin, and amphetamine) Lou's main love is pregablin, which she hasn't come off. When Lou says she's "clean", she means "clean from class A drugs". In her mind, class B and C are fine - so she's happy to keep taking pregablin, smoke weed, have codeine etc

    Lou will betray you​

    Lou has no loyalty to anyone. If it gets her sympathy or money, she's happy to sell you up the river. For example Ste, Lous ex, had been looking at (legal) porn on his phone. To get sympathy, Lou changed this to "he's using a VPN to watch kiddy porn", branding him as a pedo so she could get a few tiktok gifts.

    When Ste took some of his food out of Lou's freezer, Lou called the police on him while he had drugs and thieving tools, leading to his arrest and spending a few months in prison.

    Lou isn't disabled​

    Lou has never received a diagnosis of a disability. You will sometimes see her with a crutch, but this is just an accessory - she bought it from a charity shop to help her beg.

    Lou's claims of DV are probably exaggerated​

    Even Lou's mum has said "i think it was a case of mutual DV, that was caused by substance abuse causing psychosis". Lou has faked being beaten in the past.

    Lou is happy to claim to have been beaten to scam money​

    After Ste had collected some donation money for his time in prison, he avoided jail, and had promised to pay people back. Lou was caught on live saying "No i'm being serious, give me a black eye and we'll say we got mugged Ste ". She later played this off as "just a joke".

    Lou didn't "give up" her kids for them. They were removed.​

    Lou's claims about just needing a solicitors letter are false.​

    Lou's story is the reason she can't see O&M is due to a mistake by the courts, and all she needs is £250 to have a solicitor write a letter to sort this all out. She's been playing this story for years. In reality, if DV was part of the case, Lou would qualify for legal aid, and could have this for free. Lou's been told this many times, and ignores it. So, there are 3 options:
    1. DV was not involved in the case
    2. Lou doesn't care about seeing her kids
    3. Lou has been forcibly removed from the childrens lives, probably for safeguarding reasons

    A timeline of Lou's bullshit​

    To help unravel Lou's lies, a rough timeline (with receipts) is here. It's incomplete, and growing, because there's nearly 10 years of this to sort through.

    Other Characters​


    See page here

    Lou's mum​

    Lou's mum, Marie, once set up a gofundme claiming she had renal cell carcinoma . After collecting donations, she claimed the hospital got it wrong. Obviously she did not give anybody their money back. I wonder where Lou learned from?
    In a fun turn of events, Marie showed up on CC to defend Lou. Her account is here.


    American fundamentalist christian who for a long time showered Lou in gifts, furniture, money and clothes. She seems to have backed off recently, presumably one scam too many.