James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 17, 2024
I have sent u a message but it won't go through as it says you aren't following me? Not sure what else I can do.
We aren't in the clique doll 🤣
You didn’t want to be in it did you? You were invited and welcome when it was set up, so don’t say you have been excluded because thats not true is it?

And who made you admin too? As far as I knew we can post what we want. You can’t tell people they are not allowed to mention certain things. The more info and evidence on him the better. But if this page is going to turn into a page where everyone is arguing and making snipey comments then it defeats the object. Everyone (or most apart from James under his fakes) want the same outcome here and it is to stop him lying about cancer, and other things.
Nobody made anyone admin lol but @HometownUnicorn can say this?
"As long as you are happy with that then you will be welcomed on here"
Since when is that homophobic??
Good god I think this is getting ridiculous
It Is paffetic now 🙄 sick of this private group taking over the group. 'If you know you know crap'
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Jun 19, 2024
You should be able to message me fine now on TT, checked settings
I can screenshot what I sent u and what tt says if u like? I've looked at my settings but the only one I can change is who messages me so I've set it to everyone. It's made no difference. Sorry I'm not very good with TT.


Jun 14, 2024
We aren't in the clique doll 🤣

Nobody made anyone admin lol but @HometownUnicorn can say this?
"As long as you are happy with that then you will be welcomed on here"

It Is paffetic now 🙄 sick of this private group taking over the group. 'If you know you know crap'
But you wanted to join this private group didn’t you just didn’t want to give your number out. If you’re jealous that’s fine but own it.


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
there is no clique wtf. a few of us are just getting evidence together to expose james so i really do not understand where this apparent clique s has come from. end of the day, the group is irrelevant as it’s hardly used, it’s only used to store some very important evidence and we all tend to use cc instead so there’s absolutely no reason to be getting butthurt over something that isn’t even being used 🤣
Jun 18, 2024
Since when is that homophobic??
Good god I think this is getting ridiculous
I never said you were being homophobic. What I’m saying is James will twist that comment and run with it. You are welcome to say whatever you want, all of you. Correct im not an admin. I’m just trying to advise people not to give him any ammunition.
In fact he’s probably having a right laugh at everyone on here getting snarky for the past hour.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
there is no clique wtf. a few of us are just getting evidence together to expose james so i really do not understand where this apparent clique s has come from. end of the day, the group is irrelevant as it’s hardly used, it’s only used to store some very important evidence and we all tend to use cc instead so there’s absolutely no reason to be getting butthurt over something that isn’t even being used 🤣
Well said


Jun 26, 2024
There is no clique at all. There is nothing more said in the chat than what is said on here. Infact, when I open my phone to catch up on things, I read the group chat, come over to here and read the same stuff all again. As others have said, it's just a place for evidence to be stored so that any fake profiles he makes can't see it and twist it around as we all know what he's like. We shouldn't be turning against each other, we all want the same outcome....for the truth to come out and his lies to stop!