Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 28, 2024
I’m okay sweetie, will take a lot more than that to pull my mood down.

Exactly that, I’ll even elaborate on the context as I have nothing to hide. I messaged MK around a month ago BEFORE any of this Sophie business had arisen. Me knowing what I know I opened my trap a little bit and MK shared that in confidence to Miss Red, as of recent Red dropped MK so she sent either Zac or Zacs manager the messages from me. The manager must of got her back up over it and got quite nervous on what I’m going to tell as the message she sent to me last night is insinuating that i “am the reason Sophie’s dying” just to put into perspective how unhinged this manager is.

Followed by “I’ve also got the messages you have sent to a troll CC account, unfortunately for you I have a lot of people who love me and know who I am” (I go under 2 completely different names for CC theres 0 chance that could of been crossed until now.

A rather messy situation and I’m sure more will come into question. Just thought quite highly of the star players in this thread and now I see some are in the exact same situation I was a year ago being manipulated by this camp.
Zac is a t. I’m not exactly sure I understand but I’m sorry it’s happening and his manager sounds ridiculous. I got the massive ick knowing that there are some zac fans here doesn’t feel like a cynics paradise anymore.
do the manager and zac - hopefully they don’t know your real name to come for you in any way.
Feb 28, 2024
My Sunday head is on , so please excuse my thickness , am I right in thinking you reached out to somebody in here , via PM on Tiktok and they've shared what you'd said to Zac / his Manager?!
Ahhh I see that makes sense. I thought the manager had just read here and I it’s a public forum so I thought that could easily happen. But it’s a private chat. Thank you for clearing that up for me my pea brain got confusee


May 22, 2024
FGS it’s too early to be dealing with the down right thickery and double standards on this app.

Angie sat there saying she’s going to do an exposure on Gracie because she manages EQ and EQ has said disgusting things about children (like what said she Miss Red did to her granddaughter). Her logic is if EQ is thinking these things she must have those thoughts in her head and therefore she’s a wrongun.

So what about Angie “saying” about shagging her dog, cat, dad, brother etc? Surely using Angie’s own logic if she has those thoughts in her head she must be a wrongun.
Nov 10, 2023
I really don’t think it’s fair for No Face to make out people going for people like Miss Red on the app, are in the wrong when there’s people like pedos on the app. Because we go for people for being fs, doesn’t mean we stand by pedos ffs. There’s always people that are worse, are we meant to let others get away with s just because there’s worse out there? Didn’t No Face expose Angie before? Nothing but a hypocrite
No face can do off. He has zero credibility. I know a few of his people read here because I’ve seen them comment it in lives. So if any of you see this then you can take it back to him.
No face is a flipflop who clearly doesn’t give a do about the people he had in his boxes who were bullied and ridiculed by Angie and were explaining what happened to them.
Also he sits with Tony who called innocent people pedophiles, asked for their addresses and details and accused me of doxixng Red. To which Tony still has not apologised despite me uploading the screen record as he asked.
How No face thinks he can expose wrongens when he sits with some of them is beyond me. He clearly has no morals.

Rant over 🤣🤣
No face can do off. He has zero credibility. I know a few of his people read here because I’ve seen them comment it in lives. So if any of you see this then you can take it back to him.
No face is a flipflop who clearly doesn’t give a do about the people he had in his boxes who were bullied and ridiculed by Angie and were explaining what happened to them.
Also he sits with Tony who called innocent people pedophiles, asked for their addresses and details and accused me of doxixng Red. To which Tony still has not apologised despite me uploading the screen record as he asked.
How No face thinks he can expose wrongens when he sits with some of them is beyond me. He clearly has no morals.

Rant over 🤣🤣
Sing it. Yeah, No Face, you Flippity Flopper. And I bet you have a crusty bellend