Miss Pissy
I confess, prior to witnessing the calamity that is your inhumanity I was naive to how depraved a person could be.
Truly, I considered myself wise to most and believed I had seen the majority of what might be considered abhorrent atrocities.
Yet you, Delupoo, have surpassed all else I have regarded by a margin so wide it's mind boggling.
Congratulations, I suppose, for you are the lowest of the low - the true filth that clogs gutters and toilet pipes below.
Residing in your Mother's home, you lie online all day as you lay in bed and spout mistruths as frequently as you try to start controversy and spread misinformation alongside sexually inappropriate behaviour in the midst of your audience of dwindling plm members and trolls waiting for the inevitable car crash from the next rear ender.
On that topic Miley Cyrus called, she wants her flat back, no cheek having, turkey cheeks back, Delupoo.
I can't fathom how a woman old enough to be a grandmother could be in her kitchen surrounded by dirty dishes with soiled breeches dancing to yester-year's smash hits with her flobby cheeks slapping as she tries to throw it back like a cricket in the field rubbing it's legs together in the midst of a heat wave and a mating frenzy.
Disclaimer: All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own, this is my personal stance. The images are generated by AI.