Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 1, 2024
I disagree, i see a very troubled young girl who is self medicating to escape the reality that she doesn't want to face, i've been there and done it, the only difference being, mine were all prescribed meds.

So please tell me, does that make me a drain on society in your eyes? but wait, if I told you i was a functional addict would that change your opinion?

A drain on society are the scumbags who wont even get out of bed to even look for a job, or they'll rob your gaff to feed their habits or they'll walk out of a supermarket with a trolly full of food because they're too born idle and don't know work a hard days graft is. - Thats a drain on society.

Now I'm sure if i remember rightly she has had a job and she recently started a new job but trolls contacted her work place, so NOT everyone milks the benefit system, I don't like the girl however I'm not narrow minded and i can still separate my dislike of someone to see a troubled girl who has lost herself to addiction, for reason's unbeknown to any of us.
Until she sorts out her drug situation she's never going to function or hold down a job ....I too have walked that path for a few years ....I'm just from the generation that you fix up to survive
May 16, 2024
I appreciate it's different, but have any celebrities managed to stop anyone from discussing their public behaviour? Have any of the Hollyweird Elite silenced anyone expressing their opinions on them? Cuz if they can't, then I'm not sure you can, Angela. Even Trump was publicly criticised with no recourse during his presidency.

i will bitch slap you dave chappelle GIF


Mar 1, 2024
YES, you were pork pie head!! I've actually seen the evidence and now you're begging all of these trolls to follow your new account on a live just 29 mins ago 🙄
Shame really. You used to have a decent following & a lot of respect until you were exposed and showed the world your TRUE colours. A nasty vile woman abuser and grapist who revenge porn his ex. Absolutely disgusted and disappointed in you James 😒 I used to think you were a nice guy! One of the good ones. And it had absolutely NOTHING to do with Feisty. I made up my own mind and did my own digging. You know I NEVER listened to hearsay about anyone. That's why I give these wrong ones a chance. But I soon walk away when I find out that they ARE wrong ones.
All you have now is your CC troll mates. You have zero respect from any of the big TT creators. So sad really.
Oh and BTW. Stop obsessing over me! It's REALLY creepy! Ppl are starting to notice and sending me DMs about you! I'm NOT interested hun! I told you this nearly 3yrs ago when you called me a MILF and said this about my husband "he must be on you all the time" cringey message. Don't make me post it on here 🤔 along with all the other Instagram voice notes and msgs because YES. I have it all saved for a rainy day😉
He wasn't banned he came straight back on


Mar 8, 2024
I appreciate it's different, but have any celebrities managed to stop anyone from discussing their public behaviour? Have any of the Hollyweird Elite silenced anyone expressing their opinions on them? Cuz if they can't, then I'm not sure you can, Angela. Even Trump was publicly criticised with no recourse during his presidency.

i will bitch slap you dave chappelle GIF
Didn’t Ryan giggs do it for ages and Schofield? Or did I make that up