Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Took her TT down as soon as she got wind of any SS referrals being made. All her own trolling on there she can't have been seen can she. She missed her trolling of Christine was it? Post on her insta though, that's still there. She's been trying a dirty clean up. But as KK keeps reminding us... receipts or it didn't happen, and we have LOTS of them.

KK Kling-on

Apr 16, 2023
I have a genuine question, just for one second imagine she was feeling this way? Depressed. Suicidal. Because of the things that have been shared and said here and, god forbid, something did happen, would you still all sit her, gloating? Virtually giving high fives to one another. At what point does it go too far? At what point does it stop? Like I’ve said, maybe I am naive, and if that turns out to be the case I’ll come right back here and apologise for acting like a martyr! But what is too far? What is going to stop people gathering online and plotting?
not been on for a long time but…..

At what point did and does KKK stop? She doesn’t. Do you know how many women and some men too she drove to the same thoughts, same feelings? Except she had no reason other than pure green eye jealousy, boredom or both. Have you spoken to the people whose work, families, and friends were contacted by her? Have you been on the other end of poor KKK’s vendettas? And she’s had loads, so many infact that I am not surprised at all about the level of hate this woman is getting. And the main focus of this hate, is rightly so because she’s an appalling parent.

Not only did this absolute monstrosity of a female spend years, yes years torturing people, she did it whilst she had young kids and instead of parenting, she chose her sadistic rampages of abuse and dangerous levels of twisted manipulated “receipts” that’s she admitted to faking on more than one occasion to ruin peoples lives and livelihoods. She chose it. She chose to be this person. She chose to want to make people feel this way. And she chose all this, over her kids. Instead of making a lovely family account with her bargains, cooking etc etc she chose all this. All this time she has half managed to allude to the fact that she’s a bit shoddy at parenting, hence either just snapshots and not really any videos or lengthy ones of her kids and parenting. But these voicenotes and other attributes show us all that she is an abismal parent, lazy, abusive, aggressive and she shows her way of loving them with feeding them up with se ,as she will and did admit, food is her obsession and her way of life. And yet she tortured women because of their parenting, oh how the preacher has fallen. So all these trolls on here… well done 👏🏻 before the voicenotes, it was just piss taking and so on, but children have been wronged and you have all stood up for them.

In a nut shell, since she’s now into all her crystals and “good energy” …

Rule number 1 - Karma is a b and it comes back tenfold and in this case … it’s well due and it will be hell, just what you gave to all those other people.

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
It truly is wild to me how much you’re all convinced that the way you’re acting is the right thing! Causing a woman distress, worry, mental pain, because you get a kick out of it, sat there waiting for her downfall when I can guarantee those of you who are parents have ranted to your friends about how annoying your children have been, or how badly behaved they’ve been. It doesn’t mean you hate your children, just that they’re annoying little gremlins, I know I have. I know my children have caused me to blow my top, lose my temper and rant to friends and family.
None of you complain about RG using her platform to promote OF, while also posting her children, but Kayleigh cant, because she’s Kayleigh.
It’s horrible. Disgusting. Vile. That Kayleigh said things about this Yams kids and home, but it’s fine for these things to be said about her and her home, because it’s Kayleigh and you don’t like her.

With everything going on in the world right now. With the amount of children being brutally murdered in their homes and in their hospitals, you’d think you’d all spend the spare time you have protesting about that. Trying to make a difference there, instead you’re trying to have two young, very loved children, from their home because you hate their mother. Bloody hell man, I cannot stress this enough, that two wrongs don’t make a right, that everything you’re doing, the stuff that makes you think you’re better than her, makes you just as bad as you feel she is. Just as troubled. Just as abusive. Narcissistic. Horrid.

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
I can absolutely assure you I’ve never called my 4 year old “obnoxious” said she had an “attitude problem” or called her a “bully”. To anyone. A family member or even my closest friends. My children act up from time to time but I remind myself daily that I am so so lucky to be their mummy and I would kill and die for them. I protect them, I nurture them, I celebrate their successes, I fill their life with love and peace as I know only too well that kids aren’t kids for long and grow up fast. My kids never go to sleep at night with a bad thought in their head and I know for a fact that the same can’t be said for Bobby or Briah. And that’s heartbreaking.

Also, can we talk about how your puppet master felt so comfortable slagging her child off to a complete stranger? Just remember that! This was a man she claimed to have met on a porn site who she was very comfortable telling him how she abused her own daughter. Sent her to school without underwear. That is not normal behaviour!! She’s very lucky that PJ is a good one, but the next time she might not be as lucky.

I can also guarantee you I have NEVER smacked them in the face with a toy (dummy 🙄) gave them a black eye or grabbed them so hard it left a bruise on an elbow. You seem to continually overlook these matters whilst again, tarring us with the same brush.

The reason so many of us women can’t wait to see her get her karma is because she caused us actual pain by her actions. Trolling, bullying, contacting family, contacting ex partners, broadcasting phone numbers and addresses. Putting some women’s children in actual harm. AND SHE GAVE ZERO fS.
She never once apologised or showed any sort of remorse and until you’re on the receiving end of her targeted harassment, then you have no fing right to comment on how we should be feeling.

And as far as I am aware, RG done do all to any of us, so long may she continue to flourish and rake in the cash.
I love you 😍

Ruby Onslow

Nov 13, 2023
To put ted and little cheese into a loving home they deserve 🥰
Social workers have no powers, no right of entry, no powers of removal, no powers of enforcement. Only the police (in an emergency) or the judiciary (a court order) can make that decision.

There are no fantasy loving homes. In fact quite opposite every children's services has a target to reduce the numbers of LAC. You're living in dreamland mate

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
I personally feel that the way she’s speaking about it shows she’s hiding remorse. Of course it’s not okay to throw things at a child, even Kayleigh knows that herself! But I’m not going to sit here and pass judgement on how she has no remorse when there is 0 proof of that. Absolutely none showing she doesn’t care that it happened. No one is excusing that. No one is saying it happens to the best of us, but passing judgement and bullying isn’t something I can get on board with. Not to a woman who is clearly teetering on the edge, a witch hunt for the removal of her children will cause more harm than good for all of them. My eldest is prolific bruiser. The slightest thing can make him bruise and I’ve been pulled by his school… does that also mean that I’ve abused him? No it doesn’t. Kids bruise. Some more than others and schools/teachers HAVE to pull the parents for them, whether minor or not.
You're full of s and making excuses. No one is bullying kk. No one is going to her and sending messages or T̶u̶r̶n̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ turning up round her house or outside the school gates or her (non existent) job. She comes here to read and participate. She has repeatedly mocked and dismissed others' mental health issues so why does she now think she can claim to be suffering from those things. It's all bollocks. So are you.
May 23, 2023
Yep. That got me.
I had put my phone down and came back to it 🤣🤣 Triggered me and my hangover to no ends!

Not as much as her having no remorse for terrorising her kid though 👀
Social workers have no powers, no right of entry, no powers of removal, no powers of enforcement. Only the police (in an emergency) or the judiciary (a court order) can make that decision.

There are no fantasy loving homes. In fact quite opposite every children's services has a target to reduce the numbers of LAC. You're living in dreamland mate
It’s ok everybody, our tired friend is back from their nap to tell us all the reasons why you shouldn’t ever bother reporting dodgy parenting, social services have no powers, let the children burn 🔥🤣
Nov 21, 2023
You're full of s and making excuses. No one is bullying kk. No one is going to her and sending messages or T̶u̶r̶n̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ turning up round her house or outside the school gates or her (non existent) job. She comes here to read and participate. She has repeatedly mocked and dismissed others' mental health issues so why does she now think she can claim to be suffering from those things. It's all bollocks. So are you.
Not “full of s” in the slightest, and trolling IS bullying. But carry on 🤷🏻‍♀️
Apr 16, 2023
@Somewhat obsessed I don't know why any of them are here. Its not going to change the fact that others including myself have reported her to SS. Have taken every little thing off of her tiktok before it's suddenly gone poof and disappeared.

The bottom line is, SS WILL look into this, reguardless of the outcome especially as she has previous with them. KKK is on borrowed time and I'm fing here for it.

Ruby Onslow

Nov 13, 2023
I had put my phone down and came back to it 🤣🤣 Triggered me and my hangover to no ends!

Not as much as her having no remorse for terrorising her kid though 👀

It’s ok everybody, our tired friend is back from their nap to tell us all the reasons why you shouldn’t ever bother reporting dodgy parenting, social services have no powers, let the children burn 🔥🤣
I didn't say you shouldn't report. Need to be realistic about the outcome though