Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Apr 16, 2023
Most kids have birthday parties when they are 5, first proper year in school & it’s a bit of a milestone. They tail off a bit after that age, but that first year of reception, we had parties most weekends (joy 🥴) but the excitement she had for her own first proper party with all her pals was worth every single penny. Another thing those poor kids miss out on because of their fing clown of a mother.


Nov 29, 2023
Most kids have birthday parties when they are 5, first proper year in school & it’s a bit of a milestone. They tail off a bit after that age, but that first year of reception, we had parties most weekends (joy 🥴) but the excitement she had for her own first proper party with all her pals was worth every single penny. Another thing those poor kids miss out on because of their fing clown of a mother.

They're never invited to parties ether, let alone having one thrown for them. It's utterly heartbreaking and it's entirely her fault.


Apr 16, 2023
Pretty sure it is aimed at me, as I have rinsed her crusty undercrackers for her recently.

It is brilliant though! A JK Rowling, Enid Byton, Jackanory, KKK story time.

I wonder if it was the Rozza she shagged back in summer 2023? Or when The PoPo paid a visit to discuss her running a brothel from her rented accommodation? I bet she didn't tell him she had the clap at the time!

But everyone else is to blame rather than Kayleigh 4 chins. fing Jimmy Hill had less chinnage!

Old, no s! I am old, but still live rent free in your head, fing dullard! Whilst you may be 34, sorry 44, it aptly matches your IQ and Gypsy's lead length in inches you use for a belt. Bitter? fing relieved more like 😆.

Mother living with her son and grandkids whilst receiving treatment for dementia and heart conditions, yep I own that as well. No way my mother is going in a care home. What kind of son would I be putting my mother in care when she is edging towards that dreaded time?

The thing is Kayleigh, my mother loves her family, always has, always will. She has no regrets like wanting to swallow me at the time of conception, unlike yours with how you turned out, Child Beater of the Year! .....
This is just typical nasty vindictive Kk behaviour. Anything she doesn’t have or can’t have she rubbishes, belittles & degrades. It is her that is the anomaly for not having any friends or relationships with any members of family. She actively set out to ruin Dan‘s relationship with his mum out of pure spite and jealousy.
I’m with you, my mum or dad would never go into home they would come to live with me (or one of my sisters) I’m lucky enough to have that close relationship with them & to also have space and finances to be able to support them if they ever needed it.

She’s trying to spin a “ he still lives with his mum narrative” because that paints you in a different light to the truth.

Leave leave her to it, Paul. This is all she has, creating a life online to strangers, making drama to attract attention & degrading herself and the kids all over the Internet. I’d say that’s extremely sad behaviour from a grown adult woman, far sadder than anyone having their parents live with them or living in their parents box room !!


New member
Dec 26, 2023
Omg that birthday tea party 😭😭 I feel so sorry for them kids.

Did she actually eat them slices out the cake? Before giving it to the kid on her birthday?? I’ve missed that bit. Surely fing not.
To be fair the cake was fine at first. Think she did the candles and then put it back on the table with the spread, with a candle still in it.

Long time lurker (oops, only since 26th December. Feels like a lifetime) .. had to catch up on all these pages as started at 1. Took me ages.
May 23, 2023
To be fair the cake was fine at first. Think she did the candles and then put it back on the table with the spread, with a candle still in it.

Long time lurker (oops, only since 26th December. Feels like a lifetime) .. had to catch up on all these pages as started at 1. Took me ages.
I’m sure the cake was fine at first, until she took a chunk out of it 🤣🤣 even if her daughter was privy enough to enjoy the first slice of her reduced frozen cake, if you look at first pic posted and second pic with lit candles you can see the ‘boo’ from the Halloween plate shes shamelessly using so it’s clear the cut cake was sat there for a while and then candles lit, maybe lit again I don’t know but still it’s a weird as do birthday for any 5 year old to have
Apr 17, 2023
Bet the police are absolutely sick of her s and she will be a laughing stock down the station. Bet they secretly follow her and take the piss out of her cos she's entertainment when you want a laugh and a distraction. Absolute plonker she is. Embarrassing. Ringing the police about Paul again, he's a good guy, trustworthy and just genuine and down to earth. Kk however is an absolute critter.


Nov 21, 2023
Pretty sure it is aimed at me, as I have rinsed her crusty undercrackers for her recently.

It is brilliant though! A JK Rowling, Enid Byton, Jackanory, KKK story time.

I wonder if it was the Rozza she shagged back in summer 2023? Or when The PoPo paid a visit to discuss her running a brothel from her rented accommodation? I bet she didn't tell him she had the clap at the time!

But everyone else is to blame rather than Kayleigh 4 chins. fing Jimmy Hill had less chinnage!

Old, no s! I am old, but still live rent free in your head, fing dullard! Whilst you may be 34, sorry 44, it aptly matches your IQ and Gypsy's lead length in inches you use for a belt. Bitter? fing relieved more like 😆.

Mother living with her son and grandkids whilst receiving treatment for dementia and heart conditions, yep I own that as well. No way my mother is going in a care home. What kind of son would I be putting my mother in care when she is edging towards that dreaded time?

The thing is Kayleigh, my mother loves her family, always has, always will. She has no regrets like wanting to swallow me at the time of conception, unlike yours with how you turned out, Child Beater of the Year! .....
Absolute wonderful words Paul. Fair play to you. I’m sorry you ever encountered this excuse of a woman. one Day she will meet her match face to face and I wait patiently for that day.


Nov 29, 2023

To be fair the cake was fine at first. Think she did the candles and then put it back on the table with the spread, with a candle still in it.

Long time lurker (oops, only since 26th December. Feels like a lifetime) .. had to catch up on all these pages as started at 1. Took me ages.

The cake was fine mate.. Till it went dry as my dead nans fing ashes, was put on yellow sticker sale, frozen during WW1 and then defrosted and used for her child's piss poor "party" with no friends, family or party decor. Just some halloween/Christmas mash up.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Calling herself a ho now like it's something to be proud of. I'm sure she will say its a joke and she trolls herself so nothing anyone else says can hurt her. But why would you want anyone to think of you in the ways she even describes herself. She gives it the big I AM but she's actually a really sad individual with noone, nothing and no self esteem. Thank god her mum isn't around to see what a state her daughter is. What even happened to her mum?

Also a visit from the police on a Sunday morning and she's bragging about it? Calling them over something pathetic that she probably initiated no doubt. She really is an a waste of oxygen in an already over crowded world. She will forever be a joke, scum of society and the biggest mistake her parents ever made.

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
This is just typical nasty vindictive Kk behaviour. Anything she doesn’t have or can’t have she rubbishes, belittles & degrades. It is her that is the anomaly for not having any friends or relationships with any members of family. She actively set out to ruin Dan‘s relationship with his mum out of pure spite and jealousy.
I’m with you, my mum or dad would never go into home they would come to live with me (or one of my sisters) I’m lucky enough to have that close relationship with them & to also have space and finances to be able to support them if they ever needed it.

She’s trying to spin a “ he still lives with his mum narrative” because that paints you in a different light to the truth.

Leave leave her to it, Paul. This is all she has, creating a life online to strangers, making drama to attract attention & degrading herself and the kids all over the Internet. I’d say that’s extremely sad behaviour from a grown adult woman, far sadder than anyone having their parents live with them or living in their parents box room !!
Thank you, she obviously thinks more about me, as I don't really think about her at all!
Apr 17, 2023
Thank you, she obviously thinks more about me, as I don't really think about her at all!
No you don't, you have moved on and made some lovely friendships, myself included. I value our friendship and our conversations that we have, unlike her who just wanted something for nothing and when she was turned down she reacted badly. Embarrassing. Just shows how desperate she really was if she reacted so badly when someone was kind to her rather than giving the sec she wanted.

Kk getting peen isn't the ultimate flex, SOME men will dip their penis into anything willing. The are nott the men you want to be associated with.

Getting someone who respects you, cares for you and wants the best for you is a better flex. Just saying 🤭
Apr 17, 2023
What’s the saying…. A lock that opens for many keys is no use or some other se like that my mum used to spout
In other words you daft orange bint getting dick ain’t a flex do me toothless smack rats get plenty of dick. Getting and keeping decent dick is.
Do you ever wonder Kayleigh what it’s like to be normal? To not be so bitter and twisted that you have to cause drama in everyone’s life just because you lead a sad and lonely existence? What it’s like to be in a loving and committed not controlling and coercive - by you btw relationship? To have children that aren’t fed up probably beyond repair by your behaviour?

She can scream and shout about trolls and how we’re obsessed but doesn’t she realise in all of the drama there is one common and I mean that in every definition of the word, factor.


Apr 17, 2023
So many thoughts to her latest story 🤣
Considering she preps uniforms days in advance, why didn’t she realise there were no cardigans until right before school?
Why didn’t she realise when B came out of school Friday she didn’t have a cardigan? Oh yeah because she doesn’t go in the playground and has the kids delivered to the car. Shame Kayleigh; if you weren’t so socially isolated you’d be able to go in the playground and do what other parents do and ask their children “have you got everything” before leaving. And if they haven’t you can then go and grab it. Or failing that and it having gone home with another child (very common in reception) if you weren’t the way you are, you’d be part of the class WhatsApp group and be able to ask the other parents to have a look! The way most people behave!
Apr 16, 2023
So many thoughts to her latest story 🤣
Considering she preps uniforms days in advance, why didn’t she realise there were no cardigans until right before school?
Why didn’t she realise when B came out of school Friday she didn’t have a cardigan? Oh yeah because she doesn’t go in the playground and has the kids delivered to the car. Shame Kayleigh; if you weren’t so socially isolated you’d be able to go in the playground and do what other parents do and ask their children “have you got everything” before leaving. And if they haven’t you can then go and grab it. Or failing that and it having gone home with another child (very common in reception) if you weren’t the way you are, you’d be part of the class WhatsApp group and be able to ask the other parents to have a look! The way most people behave!
This 👏🏼 We all know Children of that age are careless and forgetful with their belongings, it’s your job as their Mother to double, even triple check things. But yet again she is blaming the School, just as she did when her Son wasn’t able to toilet himself, speak properly or eat his packed/processed lunch. She has failed those Children in so many ways already and they’re only young.


Nov 29, 2023
Is she serious? "Felt that was all I was good at" hun you weren't even good at that. You tormented and abused the man, belittled him and iscolated him from his family, screamed at him infront of the kids so much so it upset them (remember the voice notes of you admitting that fbag?) And took bites out of his work lunch you so lovingly made, to "show him who's boss" ?!?!! And tell me, now you're alone with absolutely no one, not even dickhead dim dan, what is it you've achieved? What are you good at now? What are you worth now? 50% off of your already cheaper than a mcdonalds lunch OF? Have you excelled in parenting? No. You can't even find your kids cardigans and you STILL think that's somehow the schools fault and not yours for adequately labelling them, or teaching your child the importance of keeping track of her belongings. Embarrassing.