“Hi Guyzzz, let’s…..try…..these…sweet chili….and pepper….flavour Doritos”
WHY does she string a sentence out with big gaps inbetween words?!!! She’s doing it more and more lately than ever! Sounds as thick as her medium cheddar cheese!!!
The one she says all the time is..
“Hi Guyzzzz, letS….have…..dinn-aaa!”, heavily pronouncing the ‘s’ in ‘letS!’ She’s deranged sounding!!!
Also, WHY THE HELL is she doing a whole video about some Doritos??? Most content creators would just mention them as part of lunch video or whilst they are munching on them in a video on something much more interesting!!!
But NO! She’s done a WHOLE video on some Dorito crisps!! Christ on a bike!!! AND they are NOT even a flavour sold in the UK! She is insanely DESPERATE for content!
And finally, WHY are her eyes half closed when she eats?! She does this a lot, I know..usually it’s her doing a smug look which is hilarious…but in this video, it’s like she’s trying to be seductive with eating them and slurping some Prosecco for a more seductive effect???
Is she hoping ‘Dave from up north’ who she met on holiday is watching perhaps?? Is she trying to send him a seductive memory of tipsey Sevda who liked Tunisian nibbles with him???
Instead she looks an utter and complete loony freak!!
Those frog-labia eyes are not achieving the look you want Sevda! Quite the opposite!