I think the big issue with her teaching max makaton is the fact she’s not intelligent enough to retain the makaton information that would mean caring about something she cannot benefit from and if she can’t benefit from it why would she spend her time learning it after all shes got a case of long term verbal bullshit syndrome! And a face that has its own subtitles she’s always throwing weird shapes with her hands after all it’s not her it’s non verbal! She doesn’t want max to communicate cos then it means he can refuse and say no at this point she can force him into as many videos as possible …..now she’s grooming lily for the whole of TikTok to see, your daughter has anxiety she has anxiety brought on by you Steph and you say social media has played with your mental health but your now willing to throw your daughter right into that lion pit knowing the history that follows you. Is there no one in your path you won’t stomp over to make cash? What a lonely circle you must sit in your own mum punted you off to Nannas! You weren’t very liked in the Salon, when poor cammy got sick you made it about you and you punted lily off mmmhh! Your bedding the best mate before cammys cold, your feet weren’t cold and your running down the isle with poor Peter
even he seen sense quicker than you know, then you exploit your child online to gain a following under false pretence and even that community dropped you quicker than a hot potato, the thing with a narcissist they don’t have circles of friends they have a endless hole of victims