Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 10, 2024
That van one was horrendous, recording while driving a van for the first time and with M in the front. Actually made me feel sick at the thought of “what if”
Plus he wasn’t in a booster and she has her seatbelt under her arm her crap about she had to sign something but had only driven off she was 5-10 mins away from smyths in that video all lies you never have you’re seatbelt on right, you will cause a action and you will walk away untouched and some other poor soul won’t.


Mar 10, 2024
Hahah the double standards she’s talking about is HAHM (she really does educate Steph believe it or not) she phoned the social on her bcos of her breastfeeding her kids the social basically told her it’s a beautiful thing she does there’s no harm whatsoever ever there 😭😭 could picture her alien heed when they said that!!!!!
Plus Steph allowed her daughter to speak in the comment (still think it was Steph ) about someone’s breastfeeding but she was showing off her bra she can’t stand HAHM gets well more positive engagement probably because she is nice Steph plus don’t forget you interacted with her abuser mum or have you forgot that awful thing along with the rest of the stuff you have done.

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
Conclusion after catching up.

Steph woke up, read Tattle and CC was horrified to see she was on a Facebook group, not just any Facebook but an Ellon one. Full of comments about her behaviour which she can’t control or delete. First thought was I need to make a sad greeting face, “why me” video. Part of her act is eyeballing the camera to check the angles and everything is in shot including turning her mug around to see the writing on it. So upset! Her NPD (which is what narcissism is Steph and you have) means she has to control the narrative, how dare anyone criticise me, my driving, how I put my sen child all over social media and all my double standards. How dare people try to take me down because of the appalling things I’ve done past and present. The answer to “why me and not others“ is because you put yourself on Tik Tok with absolutely no remorse for what you’ve ever done. Reap what you sow darlin’

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
Conclusion after catching up.

Steph woke up, read Tattle and CC was horrified to see she was on a Facebook group, not just any Facebook but an Ellon one. Full of comments about her behaviour which she can’t control or delete. First thought was I need to make a sad greeting face, “why me” video. Part of her act is eyeballing the camera to check the angles and everything is in shot including turning her mug around to see the writing on it. So upset! Her NPD (which is what narcissism is Steph and you have) means she has to control the narrative, how dare anyone criticise me, my driving, how I put my sen child all over social media and all my double standards. How dare people try to take me down because of the appalling things I’ve done past and present. The answer to “why me and not others“ is because you put yourself on Tik Tok with absolutely no remorse for what you’ve ever done. Reap what you sow darlin’
*edit* She’s also deleting comments that are stating facts such as nobody should be on their phone while driving. She‘s not above the law
May 24, 2024
The World
This! She proved that in a comment when someone pulled her up about saying she wasn’t going to show Max again to protect him and she has. Her reply was basically - they were saying I wasn’t allowed to show him thats why I’m showing him again 🤦‍♀️
‘They said’. No one in her comments said it so again proving she reads here and TL.
Her TikTok is for her trolls, not her followers. Until it’s time to sell something.

There wasn’t a tear drop in that video!

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
Kelly you can get to do and who it is Steph can’t say it with your chest so a local page of a town Ellon and who are you accusing posted it get a grip if people in Ellon don’t know about you they do now and the person has handed it in, away and do off blaming people when folk in the local area is concerned about your driving.
Are these people ok, I mean really ok! I called for, no need for it when she was an accident waiting to happen? Who does she mean we all know who done it? Surely not trying to pin it on HAHM who’s in Edinburgh living her best life with her handsome hubby
May 24, 2024
The World
Hahah the double standards she’s talking about is HAHM (she really does educate Steph believe it or not) she phoned the social on her bcos of her breastfeeding her kids the social basically told her it’s a beautiful thing she does there’s no harm whatsoever ever there 😭😭 could picture her alien heed when they said that!!!!!
She phoned SS in HAHM for feeding her child the way we as women are naturally designed to feed our children?

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
‘They said’. No one in her comments said it so again proving she reads here and TL.
Her TikTok is for her trolls, not her followers. Until it’s time to sell something.

There wasn’t a tear drop in that video!
I meant to add in she reads them 😄 This is why I don’t get why her huns accept her narrative yet not wonder where she’s getting the “hate” because there’s hardly anything in her comments. Obviously deletes them but there’s not many get through anyway. Yesterday she was her usual manic, look at me in her videos to this morning poor me poor me. Nobody is wondering why the sudden change of mood overnight 🤷‍♀️
May 24, 2024
The World
Are these people ok, I mean really ok! I called for, no need for it when she was an accident waiting to happen? Who does she mean we all know who done it? Surely not trying to pin it on HAHM who’s in Edinburgh living her best life with her handsome hubby
She has no clue who did. But she’s allowing people to join the dots.
How can these people not see she is being controlling and coercive with them. Mind is blown.
Mar 8, 2024
This calls for a list…
1. Not looking for sympathy, proceeds to look for sympathy desperately.
2. Me me me me me I I I I I all about her. As usual.
3. She is crying cus she can’t show her child… grow up and protect your son.
4. Crying cus she was driving and filming and caught
5. She saw the post about her and can’t delete what’s being said so she’s spiralling.
6. Forcing the tears out for attention
7. Saying she used to love her job for more sympathy
8. Did she say “they have no nice side?” I didn’t quite catch it.
9. She’s desperately trying to claw back some kind comments with this video.
10. She said max wouldn’t be on TikTok anymore.. she used it as some weird punishment? Not sure that’s the right word.. she said this and now wants to go back on this.. soon as she does she gets reported and she so upset about her losing the control over the narrative.
11. She is an embarrassment
12. Never seen anyone so full of self importance
13. She doesn’t yet appeal to anyone’s nice side. She’s just a t daily.
14. She acts like she has done nothing wrong when in reality she’s done so many wrong things.
15. She lives on her own planet and can’t stand when other people see her for what she is. A t.
16. Playing the victim is narcissistic of her and calling “trolls” narcissistic is just scraping the barrel.
17. She’s using weight loss injections and denying it. She’s a dangerous liar.
18. She’s a nasty vicious t.
19. She makes clap backs constantly
20. Uses her son for attention and views
21. She drives dangerously
The list goes on and on..
that video she’s made this morning has show cases her utter fness in all it’s finest. She’s actually an awful person
May 24, 2024
The World
I meant to add in she reads them 😄 This is why I don’t get why her huns accept her narrative yet not wonder where she’s getting the “hate” because there’s hardly anything in her comments. Obviously deletes them but there’s not many get through anyway. Yesterday she was her usual manic, look at me in her videos to this morning poor me poor me. Nobody is wondering why the sudden change of mood overnight 🤷‍♀️
Exactly… no one is asking ‘who is she talking to’. What’s happened?’
But they will quickly jump to her defence not knowing why someone has said what they have.
Her followers honestly need help as much as she does


Mar 10, 2024
He was naked you was on holiday and he was in the background so it’s not lies plus you drug him with gummies , show him on like in the bath and sleeping to people on your live and dadsam live, he is always roaring in the back and he is is left long enough to chew thru things and toys that are not for chewing. But to say it was lies about him being naked it was on your own fing post you tramp.
May 24, 2024
The World
This calls for a list…
1. Not looking for sympathy, proceeds to look for sympathy desperately.
2. Me me me me me I I I I I all about her. As usual.
3. She is crying cus she can’t show her child… grow up and protect your son.
4. Crying cus she was driving and filming and caught
5. She saw the post about her and can’t delete what’s being said so she’s spiralling.
6. Forcing the tears out for attention
7. Saying she used to love her job for more sympathy
8. Did she say “they have no nice side?” I didn’t quite catch it.
9. She’s desperately trying to claw back some kind comments with this video.
10. She said max wouldn’t be on TikTok anymore.. she used it as some weird punishment? Not sure that’s the right word.. she said this and now wants to go back on this.. soon as she does she gets reported and she so upset about her losing the control over the narrative.
11. She is an embarrassment
12. Never seen anyone so full of self importance
13. She doesn’t yet appeal to anyone’s nice side. She’s just a t daily.
14. She acts like she has done nothing wrong when in reality she’s done so many wrong things.
15. She lives on her own planet and can’t stand when other people see her for what she is. A t.
16. Playing the victim is narcissistic of her and calling “trolls” narcissistic is just scraping the barrel.
17. She’s using weight loss injections and denying it. She’s a dangerous liar.
18. She’s a nasty vicious t.
19. She makes clap backs constantly
20. Uses her son for attention and views
21. She drives dangerously
The list goes on and on..
that video she’s made this morning has show cases her utter fness in all it’s finest. She’s actually an awful person
She said people keep asking her why she tries to appeal to our nice side, we don’t have any. 😂
I don’t need to prove anything to the wee junked up tart flora, but if they knew what I did for people they wouldn’t say that. I just can’t stand the cow.

So if she’s been able to show Max this whole time and she made a post saying ‘you won’t be getting access to my son again’. She was using her son as punishment to followers… who knows what kind of people that is.
That’s odd. Very odd. Disturbing actually.
May 24, 2024
The World
He was naked you was on holiday and he was in the background so it’s not lies plus you drug him with gummies , show him on like in the bath and sleeping to people on your live and dadsam live, he is always roaring in the back and he is is left long enough to chew thru things and toys that are not for chewing. But to say it was lies about him being naked it was on your own fing post you tramp.
So the trolls are controlling you and you’re basically admitting to trying to outdo what ‘trolls’ have said, rather than just post what you want to.
As I said before, her tiktok is for the trolls, not her followers.