I am howlingMy gut tells me jigsaw is late 50s. A spinster-very overweight with varicose veins and a fungal nail infection. Probably lives with Bert her elderly uncle so she can fiddle benefits. Shes 4foot 2 - a virgin and keeps chipmunks in the airing cupboard. Definitely a hoarder with halitosis and an itchy weeping rash in her belly folds. She shoplifts chicken in Aldi and has tits that skim her ankle bones. I guarantee she has 2 teeth and dyed red hair with a 4 inch grey root problem. Undoubtably rides a mobility scooter that is way too small for her fat arse. Hairs on her chin and nipples and eats happy shopper baked beans out of a tin. Her house will be overflowing with hair burst and fluff. Pictures of aimless and H will adorn her walls and she will most certainly be flicking her bean over Aimee’s Mingo poses in that minging bra she never takes off. She is desperately trying to save enough money to buy a train ticket to Southport to sit outside her besties house but she needs to keep buying the best eye cream ever cos it makes olga a happy bunny. - I work for the police as a criminal profiler every 3rd friday so I do know what I’m talking about !
But does she eat beans from the tin with a fork or spoon?