Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 13, 2024
Just seen Aimee’s insta post of Harpers first day back at school and the state of that kids shirt is a disgrace. It doesn’t even look like it has been ironed. So sad for Harper, there is zero pride in that child and the background tat and mess in the photo is disgraceful. When Harper looks back at these milestone photographs she will see just how much her mother cared ☹️
That’s tragic, what a shame that shirt looks like it’s from lost property, it’s far too big and a crumpled mess


May 22, 2024
Just seen a pic of h on insta that scruffy mother hasn’t even ironed her shirt ☹️ I dropped my lad off yesterday and every single child was immaculate ironed smart head to toe gleaming. How she has the audacity to post that as her back to school pic she makes me so angry. Get yourself some pride Aimee instead of wallowing in self pity and making it all about you it’s harpers first day back at school do better. Should of been fresh start today start as you mean to go on an all that jazz yet here we are same old bull 💩 from face ache bore off
I reckon she bought all the uniform Monday as she never did a uniform haul which she has done before.

It’s been taken out the pack & put straight on, I always wash and iron uniform so it gets rid of that starchy hard feeling. But I buy shirts and trousers in July to make sure they have my boys sizes in (as they always sell out quick) but she’s clearly made uniform last priority as always


Mar 8, 2024
And on that note we need a Back 2 School bingo 🤣🤣

Miyize are in the back ov miyed
First sip of the day (whispered for effect)
Ridiculous different Halloween mug every day
STUPID Face pulling at Tuna 🤡
PRE-TEEN didn't want to get up
Puffy nips in rotten jarmeez
Moaning about School run
Takeaway treat for back to school 🙄
Gash round tomorrow because back to school 🙄
Birthday shopping cz she's back to school
More insinuating Hs periods 😵‍💫😐
More disgusting mention of victims as I'm guessing they may have assembly/mass (not sure if catholic school)

Feel free to add girlies I'm sure I've missed sloads literally 💩🤡
She’s going to go to The Range because BigBeefyVav went and she wants more pumpkins and se. Her lounge looks like a charity shop at the moment


Apr 16, 2024
My child is nearly 10 and going into year 5 but hey she uses a toddler spoon still 😂

Period pains kept her up all night, here we go. What peri bullshit is she gonna be leading up to
That fing plastic toddler spoon boils my piss!!
Think it’s time the child uses a real spoon and taking some responsibility to bring it back home again - after all , she is a Pre- TEEN 🙄
Mar 9, 2024
She’s so boring, her voice drones on and on. I saw her TL/CC video and before she got to the punch line I was shouting at the screen “The police will tell you to stop posting on SM”.

They love the attention so much they are addicted that they can’t stop posting. The likes of her, Vav and Aimee have nothing in their lives to do this day in, day out. It’s actually sad.

I’m not sure how what we write here is bullying as this numpty called it. I have never went to anyone’s page and said what I say here because that would be bullying. If these morons don’t want to know that I think they are boring, useless, nasty fs don’t read here 🤷‍♀️ The person trolling Melissa seems to be one of her own family members anyway yet she is calling the police on us 😂 Stupid Cow
Only saw her a couple of times n I hit the block button - and laughed with my toes curled - what in gods name are the sketches? She’s pretending to be her mother and a therapist and the one where she said her brother brought a 13 year old girl for the night and her mother was defending him? Why the hell would anyone want to do this? If I’d lived through what she claims to have lived through I personally wouldn’t be laying it bare on a public platform for people to pick apart! It’s the “raising awareness &education “ narrative these attention seekers throw out there that gets me! These idiots are not trained therapists or educators and yet they throw their hats into a ring like they are the fountains of knowledge! They only have their own alleged experiences to draw on so hardly in positions to be instructing and guiding others who may well be incredibly vulnerable! She’s so full of her own self importance and I had to block otherwise I would have commented 🤣🤣 how much actual evidence is there of her claims tho ?

Here we go…

Mar 8, 2024
I’ve also just seen the first day back picture too. It’s the skirt for me, doesn’t look new at all, you can get two skirts for less than £15. The amount of money she spends on utter crap, surely £15 on fresh new school skirts wouldn’t bother amiee (obviously does) also she’s only just gone into year 5? I thought she was going into year 6 or even 7 with her pre-teen nonsense. So she’s been banging on for months and months about H acting like a teenager etc and she was in year 4? She’s getting her childhood taken away from her! That’s actually disgraceful
May 30, 2024
I’ve also just seen the first day back picture too. It’s the skirt for me, doesn’t look new at all, you can get two skirts for less than £15. The amount of money she spends on utter crap, surely £15 on fresh new school skirts wouldn’t bother amiee (obviously does) also she’s only just gone into year 5? I thought she was going into year 6 or even 7 with her pre-teen nonsense. So she’s been banging on for months and months about H acting like a teenager etc and she was in year 4? She’s getting her childhood taken away from her! That’s actually disgraceful
The skirt looks like an old one as the pleats aren’t lovely and crisp and straight. First day back and she sends her in looking like that 😳

If Harper was preteen then I’m sure she herself would decide she wouldn’t go out looking like that as her mates would laugh at her but she’s a 9 year old child and knows no better, although when I was Harpers age my mother made me wear the most hideous coat and I used to take it off before I reached the school gates. It wasn’t creased or dirty it was a hand me down from my sister and I hated it. (70’s child here, we wore our siblings clothes back then as it was expensive in those days not a throwaway society like now)

Aimee has so much money but she would rather spend it on Poundland style tat than her daughters clothes ☹️
May 30, 2024
I actually can't believe she has put that picture up!!!! You can see through her shirt and she has no bra/crop top on!! I am beyond disgusted
I didn’t notice it at first as I was so disgusted at the state of Harpers uniform, but yes you can see she really should have some sort of bra or vest style top. It’s absolutely shocking. Aimee needs to remove it immediately.
Mar 9, 2024
The skirt looks like an old one as the pleats aren’t lovely and crisp and straight. First day back and she sends her in looking like that 😳 If Harper was preteen then I’m sure she herself would decide she wouldn’t go out looking like that as her mates would laugh at her but she’s a 9 year old child and knows no better, although when I was Harpers age my mother made me wear the most hideous coat and I used to take it off before I reached the school gates. It wasn’t creased or dirty it was a hand me down from my sister and I hated it. (70’s child here, we wore our siblings clothes back then as it was expensive in those days not a throwaway society like now 😂)
Definitely not new! All our 3 went off today like glowing scraped carrots - I could cry I’m that proud of them - all the picture of health from being outside most of the summer - hair all shining with lovely bows and even though they’re in uniform looking very trendy and cute with teeth brushed, clothes pressed and smelling beautiful with clean nails! Dread to think what they will come bombing out like tho! 😱

Here we go…

Mar 8, 2024
That kid never looks clean to me - not her fault it’s her bloody mother - spends hours preening herself but can’t find the time to learn how to manage her kids hair properly or get her teeth sorted! I’d bet her nails are grimy too!
I think it’s her dark eyes that give the impression of uncleanliness for some reason. In my opinion with regards to Hs hair, I don’t see the problem, her hair is naturally wavy so will always look fizzy unfortunately until she starts to straighten it (yes you can get products to help etc but don’t see that as a must) Amiee could do more with her hair, styling wise, so it didn’t look as fizzy (French plaits, low plaits etc)


Mar 9, 2024
A PUBLIC post and can see a child's nipple. As a mother I am mortified! The weirdos that are on the internet and she posts that!!! What is wrong that none of her "friends" have immediately phoned her and told her. She will keep it up though to prove a point she can do what she likes if I was andy I would be fing livid