Why she’s not been offered the Mirena coil to ease her so called period pains is a mystery. She’s a lying trampShe’s such a lying t. Imagine being the gynaecologist that has to touch an examine that. I’m under gynaecology for ongoing problems Iv had cameras and everything. They will not deal with a separate issue who the do does she think she is the queen oh Aimee honestly your a no mark from Southport who cries into a camera and batters Halloween trees dr fannyfeeler won’t give two fs about ur period problems he will deal with the issue for the app deluded t. Could always ring your mental health nurse tho and tell her your suffering sure she would advise them of your superior state and sort it ay hun. Flooded off your feet u have said so surely u would cancel a gynae app I get treatment for my bladder and if I’m on my period it gets rearranged.