Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 17, 2024
I have got my godson today, lovely wee boy, we have had a trek round the old cemetery with the bubby boy & the doggo, he is like me & loves history & some of the graves are from the 1800’s & I just love how he is a wee sponge & takes everything in, then we went back & he had several pig sandwiches while I fed the bubby boy & now he is down my stables having his first riding lesson, he is on our girls dopey big beast & he is loving it, just sent his mam a video & she said that it’s my fault if he gets a passion for it & it will be my duty to provide everything, including the livery & horse because I’m his godmother. 😂😂😂
It makes change though, the boys usually want to do the farming stuff with the old man, it's usually the girls that get the horsey passion, I did have a male stable hand once & he was great but he moved to Spain, anyways just thought I would share my day with you fellow non puffy nipped trowels because it’s a million times less tedious than any of oinking olgas se. 🙄🐽🐷💩
Awh I love this 😍 Sounds lovely. Imagine if Harper wanted a hobby like that saying that we would never know cz no way would Shamey the Southport Sloth would be doing anything not for herself. Selfish s.
Oct 1, 2024
Awh I love this 😍 Sounds lovely. Imagine if Harper wanted a hobby like that saying that we would never know cz no way would Shamey the Southport Sloth would be doing anything not for herself. Selfish s.
Yeah I can’t see that lazy fat smelly mess going to a yard in the pissing rain, watching that poor kid ride & it don’t keep its hovel clean so it deffo wouldn’t shovel horse s & there in no way I would let anyone like that hog near my yard. One of the major rules to get a stable on my yard is it don’t matter how rich your mummy & daddy are you treat my girls & everyone else on there with manners & respect or you get your arse booted out & the other big one is, if you ain’t paying for full livery then your beast or beasts must be looked after, groomed, fed properly, mucked out, exercised, have veterinary treatment on hand, farriers on hand & all the other stuff that comes with horses & they are one of your main priorities but that fecking monstrosity can’t even prioritise its kid over 🍆 & booze or feed it properly or protect it. 🙄
Anyways I have had a fab day, he loved his riding lesson & he wants more so his favourite godmother will provide them for him & if he well & truly gets nibbled by the horsey bug, I will encourage it, our lass is ever so good with her horse, she allowed him to have that lesson & she said if he wants to continue then he can loan her horse but he has to help with the s shovelling, which me & his mam think is a fair trade. 🐎 😊
Mar 9, 2024
Yeah I can’t see that lazy fat smelly mess going to a yard in the pissing rain, watching that poor kid ride & it don’t keep its hovel clean so it deffo wouldn’t shovel horse s & there in no way I would let anyone like that hog near my yard. One of the major rules to get a stable on my yard is it don’t matter how rich your mummy & daddy are you treat my girls & everyone else on there with manners & respect or you get your arse booted out & the other big one is, if you ain’t paying for full livery then your beast or beasts must be looked after, groomed, fed properly, mucked out, exercised, have veterinary treatment on hand, farriers on hand & all the other stuff that comes with horses & they are one of your main priorities but that fecking monstrosity can’t even prioritise its kid over 🍆 & booze or feed it properly or protect it. 🙄
Anyways I have had a fab day, he loved his riding lesson & he wants more so his favourite godmother will provide them for him & if he well & truly gets nibbled by the horsey bug, I will encourage it, our lass is ever so good with her horse, she allowed him to have that lesson & she said if he wants to continue then he can loan her horse but he has to help with the s shovelling, which me & his mam think is a fair trade. 🐎 😊
Love it x life lessons with love x
Mar 9, 2024
Just watched the whole of the last sty vid with my lip curled like Elvis and giving it a side eye - only realised at the end 🤣 how the actual do do you forget to get dressed? Surely even if she ain’t showering in a morning she must have a proper wash - yanno like under her arms ? She told everyone how sweaty she gets so how the do does she think she won’t stink? You can’t even get a proper wash if you’ve got a top on so what’s this now then? She’s one dirty scruff and it’s the cockiness - like nobody can call her out for bad hygiene? Even my grandkids know how to bloody wash! she can’t say she actually does wash or shower and puts her mucky stuff back on cos that’s as bad if not worse! She can’t possibly believe people aren’t thinking what a dirty thing to do? And if she ain’t cleaning herself she definitely isn’t making her kid get washed properly for school! She will be needing her favourite bleach to squirt that Fanny and she will hanging the “bog jobbies “in her knickers to keep the flies away …… what a filthy cow !!!! 🤮