Rob Wylie - Scammer and Monster

Jun 17, 2024
Making an awareness post about Tiktoker Rob Wylie also known by various aliases;

Robslive7, magicalwdw, robsmagicaljourney, robthelion7

This man is a notorious scammer known for personal shopping in Florida and around the Disney parks. Also runs an online shop selling overpriced Disney merchandise that he has either stolen or bought from outlets with an inflated price. Widely known in the Disney community for giving people abuse whilst abroad and having bad customer service skills. Also famous in the Liverpool FC community due to the incident where he recorded Mo Salah using his phone at the wheel, getting him in serious trouble and also causing Liverpool to ban players signing memorabilia. A quick google search of his name shows his true character plus reviews of his seemingly successful business.

This man has claimed to have various illnesses, including autism which he has no formal diagnosis of and cannot be blamed as the reasonings for his actions.

This man goes to Florida several times a year and advertises as a personal shopping service with the intention of picking up customers orders and shipping them out when he gets home, goes on TikTok live picking up customers orders but gets troubled and overwhelmed by the amount of comments and throws a tantrum in the middle of an American supermarket, threatening to quit the lives. When he’s home he makes his customers wait weeks for their items, sends out parcels with missing items and provides “progress videos” which include his customers food and drink items strewn across his dirty office.

Then comes the latest allegations..
Various people including Robs moderators and customers began receiving messages from a group of teenagers with heinous allegations about how he had solicited a young boy, with screenshots and video evidence. Rob’s mods started to drop like flies leaving us customers with many questions, which went unanswered for months. Unknowingly to us, one of Rob’s mods had gone to the police, and this man was soon arrested and had his devices confiscated. When asked where his mods had gone, Rob said “the trolling got too much for them” and alluded that he was still in contact with them. A handful of mods that were aware of these allegations in January were still supporting him and moderating for him on a later trip in March. Meanwhile, Rob was on TikTok lives with a new friendship group, paranoid to his back teeth, constantly checking who was viewing his lives, blocking accounts with blank profiles because he thought they were shifty. The trolling continued, accounts were made exposing his shady ways including accounts which appeared to be posting the evidence presented by this group of teens. His mods backed him up, claiming that “trolls” were behind it all, and even going low enough to message a woman’s job claiming that she was a troll with no proof of this.

During all of this, it came out that Rob had met up with a 17 year old after sending him hundreds of pounds worth of gifts on TikTok. The 17 year old did say that nothing sexual happened between them. After the previous allegations in January were made public and the evidence shown; the 17 year old came out and told his TikTok live viewers that Rob treated him like they were in a relationship, that Rob was obsessed with him and talking to him like a married couple in an argument. This boy soon realised what this man was really like and decided to cut Rob off.

This all got too much for poor old Rob who several times attempted to clear his name to no avail. He finally cracked and admitted to one of his friends that he had been arrested and wasn’t charged due to the boy refusing to comply with the police. This new friendship group soon dropped him and now Rob continues his TikTok career joining a new friendship group, sitting on TikTok live begging and battling for gifts, sitting silently watching who comes in or out and blocking anyone who he’s suspicious of. I warn anyone not to go near this man, interact with this man or give this man any business.

Some of the “troll” pages include


New member
Jun 18, 2024
I met Rob last year through another high profiled TikToker. I was a silent watcher at first and I was intrigued about his business and I've never seen it done before. After seeing him in Walmart I took the plunge and and joined in then afterwards I became hooked. I found myself staying up till 1/2am to shop with him. It wasn't just the shopping there was a great community of people and we were all in a what's app group together. Myself and a few others became really good friends and Rob became a friend of ours too. We all started helping him out as he would come to us for advice so we were supporting him, helping his business and customers with orders.
During the lives Rob would get flustered and angry at customers then he would throw a tantrum and leave and say things like "I'm doing you a favour" then blame his autism which later I learned was a lie. When the shopping was over and it came to the shipping multiple customers were complaining about how much the shipping costs were and some of them was absolutely outrageous. Rob had charged one lady £400 shipping when she only spent £300. When Rob came back to England it took weeks for him to send out people's parcels. He was on live packing boxes and was seen chucking people's items, ripping packets and eating peoples food items
When parcels arrived the boxes were battered with one piece of tape holding the box together. Items were damaged, smashed and squashed as there were no packing inside. There were multiple missing items which he claimed were damaged or lost then he sold them later on to other customers and his website for more money with not a ounce of care that customers waited up until 2am to get specific items.
Within 6/8 weeks Rob had closed down and opened up multiple whats app groups going back and forth manipulating everybody making us believe there were 'trolls'
Then he went on a blocking rampage and made up lies about all of his ex customers and moderators.
This guy is a master manipulator, a narcissist and a scammer. He has a dangerous and toxic mind.
Stay away from this man and more importantly keep your kids away from him too!
Also just encase he reads this just want him to know the only good thing that came out of this whole dreadful experience was the wonderful friendships I made through it. We are all still going strong thanks 👍🏼