Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 10, 2024
Even her bloody mother told her that her diet is s...cue crumpled up simpleton face. But I lioke baked goods.

Showing that bowl of sick was totally unnecessary. Ewwa must be out more than she is in. Mummmy I have a pain in my tummy...awwhh Dawling do you want a hot wataw bowtil? Mummy I have a headache...awwwhhh My Best gell, do you want a hot wataw bowtil? Mummy I have a toothache, awwhhhhhh Sweetheart do you want a hot wataw bowtil?

Give me fing strength.
No because why was she talking about her mum the way she talks about negative twoll comments she gets? Cant take any slight criticism and i doubt mummy dummy was trying critisize


Mar 13, 2024
That poor aul one is called round for every stupid idea under the sun. I have a bwief to wead so my Mum is coming wound to hoover. Sedat left nasty skidders on the toilet so my Mum is coming awound to scwub them. I have my pewiod so Mum is taking Ewa to school this morning....awwhhh do you feel sick my dahling, Mum you can do the dishes instead Ewwa is staying off with a hot wataw bowtil.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
this begda beavo is as thick as pig s
We had this meal tonight knowing Ella doesn’t like it, ok ok you said earlier you wasn’t giving her it as she has been sick and was going to give her the NOKI plain
So which is it please hairy not crystal

so ok I am stop referring to them as feral animals eating, it’s more like cement mixers with stones in

Has to go as Ella needs mummy lol yep best go cut her potatoe with your hands 🙌


Mar 1, 2024
It won’t and it won’t happen and I think that’s what eating away at her 😂😂😂
There’s way more gossip forums that exist than I ever knew about so it’s impossible for her to police everything… We can literally just keep moving on to other ones and they’ll still come up on Google searches about her. She needs to get over the fact that people will discuss her and other TikTok figures who choose to live in the public eye and make their money off their private life 🙄 She was happy to pocket the £6K a month but doesn’t want scrutiny or anyone to say anything negative about her content.
Last edited:
Mar 8, 2024
I can’t bear to watch her mouth or listen to her voice. That tongue needs its own TikTok. It’s so large I don’t get it. Please sev stop pronouncing sauce and salt the way you do. It’s highly highly irritating. Maybe go the dentist about your tongue. It’s not normal the way it literally comes out your head to lick your lips and cow lick the inside of your mouth.