Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Sep 27, 2024
I don’t know why I can’t stop watching this train wreck because I swear to god she makes my blood boil 😂 the liessssss! They’re so fing obvious. She’s so thick. But you have the likes of Rachel with the hat licking her ring which makes her think she has some sort of status in the world.

Mate, you’re a clatty cow who’s made a bit of cash off an app, you’re not influential in any sense of the word. You’re not inspirational and you don’t have a talent, you’re a fing crackpot and the fact you’re pushing 40 and constantly jumping on strangers on the internet and begging for their validation when you have 2 kids to be thinking of is fing weird as do. No one is jealous of you, no one has deflated your tyres and honestly no one gives a flying do about your life. Can you not see that??? Can you not see that amount of negativity you pour out into the world?

Go take your heid for a wash and give us all a fing break for the night.
May 24, 2024
The World
IMG_8638.jpeg Right she needs help asap

She has just put up a video clapping back at Susan saying she isn’t a princess and shouldn’t say she is because neither of them are when it was infact HER that firstly said ‘BECAUSE IM A PRINCESS’ 😭😂😂😂😂
WTF? 😵‍💫 so Beefy can say she’s a princess but tell someone else they can’t say they are and clap back at them for saying exactly what she did 😂 LOL she is the gift that keeps on giving Isn’t she 😭😭😭
Princess Fiona.


Mar 10, 2024
From that video above in that post I know exactly what school he goes too. I attend the building across regularly. I'm in the shire not the city oh dear steph.
It’s bad let’s hope their isn’t pedo’s looking through the fence at other people’s children because vav has put a school at risk clown that she is.


Aug 16, 2024


Aug 26, 2024
fs sake .the hate someone is getting cos they suggested she put air in her tyres herself. The huns have jumped ll over this.
And fyi vagasil, it’s not the milk in the pumpkin spice that has made your stomach churn.its the side effect from the slimming jag and the fact you are throwing Tim Hortons down your throat like there’s no tomorrow.
I knew as soon as I saw this that your stomach was going to be wrecked.
Stupid mare


Aug 16, 2024
Can’t stand people educating you can you vav plus better to be safe when you don’t wear a seatbelt plus Rachel wasn’t going on about the milk in your milk loaded drink she was on about don’t forget to get milk as you apparently ran out this morning so don’t give us your bull you stopped drinking that drink I have never met such a lying beep until now wow you are that thick 🙄🙄🙄
IMG_5845.jpeg IMG_5846.jpeg
Weirdest dairy intolerance ever!! Can eat philadelphia and Cathedral City cheese perfectly fine but can't have milk 🤨

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
I just had a ganger again, who said to be a princess you had to be married to a prince 😂😭 sorry to break it to you Princess Charlotte your not a princess because some do wit on the internet said you can’t be as you’re not married to a prince 😭🤦🏻‍♀️
Wonder what Princess Anne would say about it, prob Naff off Vav. The late Queen and her sister were princesses, what about Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie? I don’t think there are any princesses married to princes in the royal family because only those born into the royal family can use “princess” before their name i.e Diana wasn’t Princess Diana. She was Diana Princess of Wales. So Steph you can only be a princess if you’re born one, therefore your mother has lied to you all your life, seems to be the norm in your family


Aug 26, 2024
Someone want to tell Mad Iggy Pop Pam that her daughter is actually bothered
It’s been a while since I had little kids in my car, but I am sure that child ( must be max, but can’t be sure as vagasil said she wouldn’t show him in here again) should be a little more restrained than he is. He looks like he is bouncing around quite freely in the back of that car.

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
It’s been a while since I had little kids in my car, but I am sure that child ( must be max, but can’t be sure as vagasil said she wouldn’t show him in here again) should be a little more restrained than he is. He looks like he is bouncing around quite freely in the back of that car.
She’s been picked up on that several times. She didn’t even know thick jackets shouldn’t be worn in car seats


Mar 12, 2024
The livers too busy metabolising the se she’s putting in her system to deal with the fats she ate today. That’s all that’s fing wrong with her.

Saw a post on a natural healing group about these jabs. They aren’t just taking the weight from fat, it’s fat and muscle. Sounds really healthy not.

Now If you’re obese and taking it for health reasons and the benefits outweigh the risk and you’re prescribed them from a doctor rather than because you’re shallow as do and just want to be thin without working for it then I’m not slaying those who are on the jags because they’re prescribed them… but for vanity it isn’t worth the risk and side effects.

She’s got all the side effects. But remember she’s keeping it under wraps because there are young girls but it’s ok to discuss eating disorders openly in front of them of course. Young girls won’t have the option of the jags but they may develop eating disorders because of Steph lying about her size and losing weight quickly with no apparent diet or gym. She’s a truly despicable witch of the highest order and a fing dangerous one at that.

I hope you read this you absolute fing t.