Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Sep 3, 2024
She knows this tiktok cash is coming to an end.

Even using M again isn't getting her the engagement she hoped it would. Last desperate attempt to reel people in by turning on the tears & no doubt paying to boost the video.

More & more people are seeing the real person & she's chasing followers away with her horrible replies & stupid clap backs.

Nobody should get away with making videos whilst driving. Nothing is so important it can't wait until you have stopped.

The lie about keeping M off her platforms to protect him was shown up when she admitted she's showing him again because strangers online have been saying she's not allowed to.

By her own words, you get back what you put out, when you put out so much negativity like she does, it comes straight back at you & it's exactly what is happening.


Jul 18, 2024
Alot of comments saying to come off tt but no way will she. Some saying about her driving and filming, some saying they wouldn't post their kids. A big mix. Those saying get off or they wouldn't post that will be deleted no doubt 🙄
She will back tomorrow in her big bad boss b era 🤣🤣🤣🤣 once shes got the views and engagement 😏


Apr 25, 2024


Mar 12, 2024
She will back tomorrow in her big bad boss b era 🤣🤣🤣🤣 once shes got the views and engagement 😏
But folk will remember this video. I’ve got a feeling about it this time. She put herself and others in danger and she is moaning she can’t record in her car now. There is a level of delusion here that’s off the actual scale.

Some people are showing her empathy because that’s what happens when people are sad but even if they’ve left a nice comment to rise her a little they will still be thinking this is a bit wild.


Jun 4, 2024
This mornings video - I am like a caged animal, the bullying etc. Well you know what love? If you didn’t post videos when driving (no-one would have reported you) I think she has seen all the comments on that page and she’s like F**K this is serious, I really hope she does get a talking to by the Police! Next step is remove your non verbal son off the internet!!
Pot Kettle Steffany! Karma is slowly doing its round to you !


Mar 12, 2024
This mornings video - I am like a caged animal, the bullying etc. Well you know what love? If you didn’t post videos when driving (no-one would have reported you) I think she has seen all the comments on that page and she’s like F**K this is serious, I really hope she does get a talking to by the Police! Next step is remove your non verbal son off the internet!!
Pot Kettle Steffany! Karma is slowly doing its round to you !
The karma bus is coming 🚌 🚎
Jul 8, 2024
Double standards, re driving and filming and showing children.

We all remember when Kim Kardashian’s sat down with pro players to play poker in a sunglasses so everyone saw her cards. We all laughed.

If you drive and film and wearing a glass, everyone will be able to see no one is next to you, so saying they’ve handled the phone is a LIE! Sit down and be quiet and whether the storm. Maybe being accountable and apologetic could gain sympathy. I can’t feel sympathy towards situation like this, as she was clearly disturbed, she couldn’t string a proper sentence and that alone is dangerous head space for driving, being distracted while driving not only can cause harm of you and passengers but everyone else you cross path with.

Re child content. No children should be shown full stop. But on double standard. When people show their children in a way to see authentic connection, fully dressed etc somehow rings lesser alarm bells.
When someone trying to force interactions with their kids and keep pushing it, it will always make everyone cringe.
On personal opinion I will say it, she is danger to that wee boy, non of his needs being met, supported or loved.
On realistic note, she’s unable to connect to him and don’t think she can connect to her girl either. That shows and yes people pick up on it and always will side with the kids.
May 24, 2024
The World
I have 5 pages to catch up. Seen her morning video.

Steph: Aimee gets reported, Eden gets reported, lots of people get reported for recording driving.
Calling people narcissistic and lack empathy while claiming you’re the only victim is YOU being narcissistic and lacking empathy.

Thats double standards babe.

Don’t record while driving. Simple. You’re breaking the law and crying because people have reported you, or drove past you and saw you being erratic.
Only one person to blame!
Mar 10, 2024
Well we were due a sad, sympathy gaining video, she does have a live coming up! Actually vag I am a very nice person, I just cannot stand you! The narc is you, how you can't see that just shows how big a narc! You HAVE done terrible things and you've never apologised or done anything that warrants forgiveness so another lie. Showing your kid on sm just because folk said you shouldn't?! In your own words, are you ok?? Driving and filming, again are you ok? You say you don't know if you can do this anymore but you will, because money and attention of any kind is more important to you than anything else, including your own kids. You'll be back again tomorrow, cos you obviously have to leave for a good few hours to gain sympathy momentum! Back in your bad b Beyonce mood, not giving two fs cos your sad little huns will be filling your pockets, buying more of your second rate se! Change the record or feck off!
Mar 27, 2024
Aww piss off, setting your camera up to cry to the huns. She's bothered because folk in Ellon are now spking up about her driving ,that's what's bothered her. & if she didn't use her non verbal child as a cash cow, no empathy for your own fing child!!!
Oh SOD OFF Beefers!

YOU are in the wrong here.

If you can’t take the criticism, sod off.

Filming yourself crying about it all simply shows you for the pathetic tramp that you are.

FYI: I’m a lovely person
May 24, 2024
The World
Love it, she’s famous now! …….in Ellon *pinch me*

*incoming house move* 🤣
Was only a matter of time before a local who actually sees her, brings it to a head. But no… doing the illegal part isn’t the problem, pulling her on it is.

She must not agree with prisons, or people being charged. Illegal acts are not the problem in Steph’s world, being grassed on is.


May 27, 2024
Get a fing grip. No one comes for you for absolutely no reason. The way you treat Max on camera, the way you let him on camera with nothing on. The way you’re driving while on your phone putting not only your own life and your children lives in danger but someone else’s.

PLEASE tell me someone has reported her to the police. There are plenty videos as evidence. I’m sure we can pop them all on a usb and hand them over to the police.

She’s a fing idiot


Sep 3, 2024
It's obvious she knows whoever posted about her on the Ellon FB page is telling the truth because it's all tears and woe is me from her instead of a sarcastic cheeky clap back. Which also means her driving was as bad and dangerous as described.

She's bang to rights and she knows it and a defense of why is it just me that's not allowed to drive while filming will be laughed at by the police.


Apr 5, 2024
I said to myself yesterday there will be a greetin' vid this morning and bingo ( to get the views and engagement up ) So , predictable . She's horrible . Maybe , be accountable for the atrocious things she's done to other people . So , no people won't leave you alone . Even her so called fans are seeing through her . The worst Narc calling people Narcs . Cry me a river , playing a victim as per usual 🥴 Get off the phone , making a fool of herself like that with her son in the background listening and seeing that . Deserve's everything that come's at her , it's called the karma train . Vav there is no nice side to you , you mean . Stop calling yourself out .
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