Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 12, 2024
She will make out as if she’s buying and be careful not to do up this time. She’s obsessed with how things look. Still cringing over the Mercedes comment she made to korey 😂😂😂 why not just answer with yes I drive. No one likes a show off and you’re not going to lure a man with money!

Still wondering what she told rylan about the rented gaff !!!
Mar 10, 2024
She will make out as if she’s buying and be careful not to do up this time. She’s obsessed with how things look. Still cringing over the Mercedes comment she made to korey 😂😂😂 why not just answer with yes I drive. No one likes a show off and you’re not going to lure a man with money!

Still wondering what she told rylan about the rented gaff !!!
I wish Nicole would come on and spill 😂😂😂 she was pro vav then swiftly anti Vav
Mar 10, 2024
I think this was after the split. When he went from liking posts about her to removing them.
So you think they got back together but on the condition he signed an NDA? Once he’s signed she’s binned him?

No way would she have got him to do it when they first met. She was just desperate for a fella. After they split and he had a following she would have panicked at the large following he got.
He was liking them then deleted and gave his we public service announcement 🤣🤣🤣

Too invested in her sshow life. My life is too happy and peaceful I need the pisstake from someone else’s life 😂😂


Mar 8, 2024
100% correct, she’s not the best looking! 🐄
She’s not good looking, she’s overweight and wears clothes that make her look like a s. She will need knee replacements in a few years as they’re working overtime lugging her body weight around every day. Why she lies about it when we can clearly see her body size is so weird.
She is desperate to be slim, so why not eat healthier and go to the gym everyday like she claims to do. 🙄


Mar 8, 2024
Because she’s outdated in every aspect of life!
And she really thinks people are jealous of her? Why? She lives in a house smaller than mine which has no mortgage and she buys herself designer bags. She’d kill for my husband as he buys mine as surprise gifts. So if you read here you fat s do off because nothing you have is anything I want, I’ve never stolen cash from a charity or anywhere for that matter.
You’ve got zero class and zero shame just like your friend Aimee. That pair of fat slags are the worst! Both of them are vile narcissists who crave attention. Good or bad. Oh and I’m a size 6 to 8 because I exercise every day and eat well. What must you troff daily to the be that size? And why pretend you are 3 sizes smaller? We can see the size of ass as you do these ridiculous se dances all the time.
Jesus. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Mar 9, 2024
And she really thinks people are jealous of her? Why? She lives in a house smaller than mine which has no mortgage and she buys herself designer bags. She’d kill for my husband as he buys mine as surprise gifts. So if you read here you fat s do off because nothing you have is anything I want, I’ve never stolen cash from a charity or anywhere for that matter.
You’ve got zero class and zero shame just like your friend Aimee. That pair of fat slags are the worst! Both of them are vile narcissists who crave attention. Good or bad. Oh and I’m a size 6 to 8 because I exercise every day and eat well. What must you troff daily to the be that size? And why pretend you are 3 sizes smaller? We can see the size of ass as you do these ridiculous se dances all the time.
Jesus. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Wow missy never seen you rant like that 🤣🤣🤣 think we are all rubbing off on you 🙈🤣
Mar 11, 2024
And she really thinks people are jealous of her? Why? She lives in a house smaller than mine which has no mortgage and she buys herself designer bags. She’d kill for my husband as he buys mine as surprise gifts. So if you read here you fat s do off because nothing you have is anything I want, I’ve never stolen cash from a charity or anywhere for that matter.
You’ve got zero class and zero shame just like your friend Aimee. That pair of fat slags are the worst! Both of them are vile narcissists who crave attention. Good or bad. Oh and I’m a size 6 to 8 because I exercise every day and eat well. What must you troff daily to the be that size? And why pretend you are 3 sizes smaller? We can see the size of ass as you do these ridiculous se dances all the time.
Jesus. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
👏👏👏👏 yessss girllll, let it out 😂😂🙌🏼
Mar 10, 2024
And she really thinks people are jealous of her? Why? She lives in a house smaller than mine which has no mortgage and she buys herself designer bags. She’d kill for my husband as he buys mine as surprise gifts. So if you read here you fat s do off because nothing you have is anything I want, I’ve never stolen cash from a charity or anywhere for that matter.
You’ve got zero class and zero shame just like your friend Aimee. That pair of fat slags are the worst! Both of them are vile narcissists who crave attention. Good or bad. Oh and I’m a size 6 to 8 because I exercise every day and eat well. What must you troff daily to the be that size? And why pretend you are 3 sizes smaller? We can see the size of ass as you do these ridiculous se dances all the time.
Jesus. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
There is absolutely bugger all I am jealous of. She can’t keep a man, has to stoop as low as stealing charity money and backs it up with ‘they’ve had enough off me’. She sells her kids soul on the internet for all sorts of pedos and wrong ins to save videos and alter them. Not an aspect of her son’s life is private. There is barely an image of my kid and she’s 17.
All men from her past are paying for her current life, doesn’t own her own home or owns her own car. Everything she has is from a man, whether it be ex’s or her son. She has nothing worthy from herself. She’s the least independent ‘independent’ woman.

It kills her to see her body every day, she’s so exhausted with her pretence that it oozes out of her face. Without trolls she would be do all, because that’s all her content is. Your trolls make you, beefy. They keep you where you are.
You need us, more than we will ever need you.
Pity you Vav. But if telling yourself that we are jealous gets you out of bed and the kids fed, we’ll let you have it 😘