Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 11, 2024
I thought L helped her 😂she does everything on her own 🤦🏻‍♀️ the other two boots help out 😂😭 I’m sorry but if L can’t sort her own uniform you’re doing something wrong my 12 year old can cook a bliddy dinner
Need to rephrase that my lassie is 11 I’m as bad as Vav forgetting my bairns birthday 😂😭 my excuse is I have hunners of bairns 😂
But L now cleans all her bedroom and bathroom …. I’m sure she always posts that’s she does it because it’s always a pig sty
Mar 10, 2024
IMG_1579.png Dating content what with guys who are on lives you canna keep a guy love she should be on that are we dating the same girls in Aberdeen and abershire could just imagine the comments from guys 🤣🤣
Hud the bus....she's been on tinder ages because a very well known sports club had members taking the piss out of her profile about a month ago! They were saying she should slap a warning sign in her profile. Not one would go near her! So to insuate this is new is bollocks as per