Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Agree, something not right here, surely someone at that age with a child should be learning to cook properly, if you can’t cook, you learn and you do it for your child. It’s not good enough to say she doesn’t like cooking or can’t do it. She’s creating a mini version of herself in H. She won’t know how to cook or budget and will be wasteful just like her mother 🙄
Catpiss just doesn’t like cooking full stop and thinks she should be waited on hand and foot.
She is and always has been a temper tantrum throwing, aggressive, alcoholic who will only do what SHE wants to do.
Honestly she is the true definition of a narcissist & spoilt brat full of 🐂💩
She’s fine cooking when 🍆is around as they are important to her and she couldn’t care about H and doing it for her
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
So the next victim is lined up. We we we. She gets so attached so easily lol I was seeing a guy for a year and didn't we nothing hahahaha girl needs to learn who she is before latching onto anything with a pulse! She's sooooooooo transparent it's scary. Bullshit videos about learning something new about herself and cooking more for Harper and taking her places hahahaha trying to make it look like she's this catch! Not at all Aims. He'll learn quick! Also continues the same cycle of booking and paying everything. Aimee I wish you would learn that if a guy likes you they like to chase a bit and will make the effort. Even my 18 year old knows that and her boyfriend takes her out weekly even if they take turns paying he does all the booking and he collects her and leaves her home. That's someone 20 years younger than you that knows how she should be treated and doesn't want to possess someone. Grow up and get some counselling.
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Mar 9, 2024
Imagine caring so much about what random people on the Internet think you have to get your friend to comment to prove that's who you are going out with. Hi aimee, thought you didn't read these sites. Anything for a bit of content to distract from your normal sad pathetic cat piss smelling life


Feb 28, 2024
“Loooook see I do have friends known her for 18 years” imagine getting foo thrills over having ONE friend, known her 18 years!!

Stop getting thrills in that massive bulge of yours we all know you’ll be sat reading comments claiming you’ll “laugh” at them what a fab night out that is “on meee phones it’s meeeeee job”