Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
“Loooook see I do have friends known her for 18 years” imagine getting foo thrills over having ONE friend, known her 18 years!!

Stop getting thrills in that massive bulge of yours we all know you’ll be sat reading comments claiming you’ll “laugh” at them what a fab night out that is “on meee phones it’s meeeeee job”
I still don't believe there's no man. She's to smug and always gets this same way when she's got some d on the go may they be talking to them or bedding them. She thinks she's the s when she's getting some attention of the male variety lol


Mar 8, 2024
Do you think it’s a possibility that the trolls are friends and family of daddy/uncle Dave’s victims?
Her smug post earlier was disgusting, In the comments she could have responded with something along the lines of “what my uncle/daddy did to those poor vulnerable people was abhorrent and I gave back all the cash he gifted me. Instead she just responded with “I don’t talk to that side of the family”
Mar 8, 2024
Catpiss just doesn’t like cooking full stop and thinks she should be waited on hand and foot.
She is and always has been a temper tantrum throwing, aggressive, alcoholic who will only do what SHE wants to do.
Honestly she is the true definition of a narcissist & spoilt brat full of 🐂💩
She’s fine cooking when 🍆is around as they are important to her and she couldn’t care about H and doing it for her
This ! And harper unfortunately is following in her foot steps ! She's the most meanest little 9 year old ever . It's disgusting


Mar 8, 2024
This ! And harper unfortunately is following in her foot steps ! She's the most meanest little 9 year old ever . It's disgusting
Well she is spoiled in the worst way possible. Gets whatever she wants all the time and tat from b and m that she probably doesn’t want. Chooses her own meals and take aways, so much crap thrown on her Disney plates. A diet of KFC with the occasional sausage and mash Is not a balanced diet. Not to mention beef in need of 6 units of blood transfusing into it


Mar 7, 2024
So she’s announcing to everyone that the cats have now pissed on her sofa cushions. Once they start that I think they continue to do it. Anyway it’s fine because she went out and bought 7 more. Skip will be due in a couple of weeks to make room for everything else that needs binning.
And why is she so childish at almost 40 thinking her small bottle of Prosecco is so cute and getting giddy over it. Hopefully she will be so pissed tonight she might show herself up and post some ridiculous photos of herself and have some arguments
I honestly don't understand why she would mention the cat pissing on the cushions :oops: :oops: She was devastated on the cat piss video ages ago that everyone was saying she smelt of it , then she shared a few weeks a go that the cats had pissed in the laundry basket, which I would imagine was chocka with clothes cos she very rarely puts a wash on 😂 And now the cushions lol. I swear she doesn't give a s whether it's good or bad attention as long as she is getting either she's happy! Does anyone remember the family photo a few weeks back and the rug was turned over and it was stained to buggery underneath? :oops: She's absolutely filthy, that really isn't anything to be proud of, she's deffo not the full shilling lol o_Oo_O


Mar 7, 2024
morning lovely’s here and there 💖 this mornings vid so she’s booked the table shock. She’s already thinking of what to drink my bet is she’s already swinging round the living room with the Stanley cup full of Prosecco scrolling her comments as we speak
I bet Aimee's paying too, she buys everyone, they're not friends or boyfriends, they just use her for their own gains lol


Mar 7, 2024
Even if there is another bloke he won’t stay long either. Who wants to go to a restaurant and watch her film herself eating . It’s disgusting and puts everyone off 🤢.
No one of sound mind would want to be with anybody who is constantly on their phone whether it's to film them eating, drinking etc to sitting there deleting comments on TikTok 24/7. Give D2 his due he tried to implement no phones round the table while eating and failed, cos unfortunately it's all Harper's ever known. The only reason Slagbag went along with it is cos 🍆 comes before her kid. Poor Harper must have been so confused by it all and it's not her fault! :(


Mar 7, 2024
I still don't believe there's no man. She's to smug and always gets this same way when she's got some d on the go may they be talking to them or bedding them. She thinks she's the s when she's getting some attention of the male variety lol
I actually love all the smugness lol, cos when it goes tits up and it will I love the fall out and watching her in tears, throwing tantrums, lashing trees around and trashing hotel rooms, its fantastic!! 😂 😂 😂 😂


Mar 7, 2024
This ! And harper unfortunately is following in her foot steps ! She's the most meanest little 9 year old ever . It's disgusting
I remember when she used to put Harper in videos... just a stinking attitude, no manners, used to speak to aimee like crap! I remember when everyone pulled her up because she never said please or thank you I'm sure she did a clap back for that aswell saying she's the most perfect well mannered child ever she just forgot 😂


Feb 28, 2024
This ! And harper unfortunately is following in her foot steps ! She's the most meanest little 9 year old ever . It's disgusting
I can imagine! Aimee seems scared of her like the whole “sh don’t tell harper this” “oh she can’t hear me” and letting her dictate what she wants to eat even if she’s already made something