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  1. umptyomptyampty - moderator of anti tattlelife reddit

    Does anyone else even read this thread? I'm not sure I believe half of the people on the tattle life Reddit. This usual movie was talking about how they want to punch a tattle life user, really into conspiracy theories, thinks millennials are all lazy bla bla bla so seems pretty unpleasant...
  2. umptyomptyampty - moderator of anti tattlelife reddit

    Crazy conspiracy theorist purrrrr (tricky chicken) is now a mod :LOL: what could ever go wrong, she's only mentioned the nazis three times in that sub this week🤡. The conspiracy theorist people disappeared off to a private group and now all joined this sub to downvote comments they don't like...
  3. umptyomptyampty - moderator of anti tattlelife reddit

    I disagree with this. Tattle has lots of faults for sure. But that sub forum has always been way more vile than tattle. It was built on doxxing and stuff stays up for days or months. I've only once seen an ablest slur on tattle and it was gone a few minutes after I reported meanwhile that place...
  4. umptyomptyampty - moderator of anti tattlelife reddit

    EDIT:These are the subreddits she posted in. 100% the same person with that cat and both being very keen to b about MM. On tattlelife reddit she was very interested in talking about dating and the sex threads in a clutches pearls how bad is this. But she spent most of her time posting smutt...
  5. umptyomptyampty - moderator of anti tattlelife reddit

    I wasn't going to post this buuuut she's a bit of a weird t and thinks she's being smart slagging off threads she's posted on. Hun why you's complaining about the stuff YOU POSTED?!? Seek help 👨‍⚕️🚑 Took me 10 seconds to find her tattle account. If you check her reddit account before her...