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  1. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Unmasker where’s your jodie posts gone? You’ve never deleted them because one of your accounts pushed the thread that was really quiet and encouraged negative behaviour towards her have you? Should we take a guess at when you started messaging her?
  2. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    I’d also like to point out I’m not here to out any “troll” or “tattler” I don’t even really want to out the “unmasker” or her runners really but a troll outing a troll while trolling and sending more potential trolls to the site she’s trolling on but hates and then playing the hero? Oh come on...
  3. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    She’ll be saving him next but not before she sends everyone to his thread first to achieve maximum glory
  4. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Ohhhh come on unmasked show us your tattle score you righteous saviour of humanity
  5. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    I’ll go firs.let’s find the active tattler that masks as a troll unmasker while trolling the victim there helping on tattle the site they hate
  6. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Hey hey heyyyyy unmasker ( I know your here ) let’s play a little game, every clue you give unmasking a troll I’ll give one unmasking your tattle account well accounts and the couple you’ve tried to get rid off Ohhhh this is exciting isn’t it