Apart from the pissy rug, I’m thinking Wendy has the same studio lights following her but like aimless her kitchen lights show different (filtered to fk)
Her doc surgery must’ve seen that video, because now she can get an appointment at the drop of a woolly hat, even supplied her with her very own mental health nurse
I’d decided to have a break from this waste of space but my fyp is trolling me today. So what is it, the new whitening toothpaste or the whitening strips that are the best thing ever! Unhinged t she is & don’t get me started on the hideous pj’s for the whole family. Making a mess of H yet again.
I have had only one panic attack in my life, pregnant with my first daughter, got on a crowded bus after work and had no idea what had come over me within minutes and had to get off the bus a bit up the road, walked almost an hour to my parents house which was closer than going to my own house...
So Charlie telling her Ralph is on ft to harper. Wouldn’t mother of the year already know that if she watches what H is doing? Nah probably not.
Oh and I was scrolling though random tt lives last night only staying a few minutes in each (none gripped me enough to stay longer) the subject was...
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