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  1. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    This thread has been unkind and if it was reversed you’d think the same. Do any of you actually know me or just going by assumptions I don’t mind if you don’t like me as a person, that’s your opinion and I’m not going to take that away from you but that does not warrant some of the stuff...
  2. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Do you really think they give out strong meds to people my age for no reason? Same goes for pip, bus passes etc because they don’t. None of you are doctors and none of you know my day to day life and I don’t have to show you any of this stuff. The assessment was to show limited capacity in...
  3. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    No you are. There’s more than just referrals. In the tribunal, not that it’s any of your businesses but being transparent - the company denied knowing about my health and in the 3 years went from denying to conceding after all my evidence
  4. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    As I said, I’m going through my records. Something I don’t actually have to do btw. Have any of you actually read it all in full? Seems you’re replying very quickly to dismiss things.
  5. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    My comment was in regards to this
  6. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    There’s literally health assessments and letters from medical professionals?! The other letters are to show what teams I’m under These are all private information I do not have to share? I could have closed down everything and blocked everyone. I don’t have to be here right now but I am. Just...
  7. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

  8. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Hello everyone. I don’t mind what you think of me personally, being a b etc etc. Not everyone likes everyone, it’s your opinion and all I ask is if I’ve directly done anything to you, message me on real accounts and we can talk about things that I may have done to upset you 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m happy...
  9. Perfectly Flawed - Hayley

    Yeah but only certain people knew that before it got brought on here. What they failed to mention is that this was before Kendra was in PLM. She was being trolled badly by them herself the short time I was her mod. I took months off the app after what happened with me.
  10. Perfectly Flawed - Hayley

    Thing I find sus is that very few people knew I was kendras mod lmao, I never said that on the app. Labelling me as it has throughly pissed me off, it’s not fair.
  11. Perfectly Flawed - Hayley

    Yup. Exactly why I’m pissed off. I was trolled by them, they ruined my MH. I was never apart of that group. I would never be that type of person.
  12. Perfectly Flawed - Hayley

    I was never in PLM and you fully fing know this. I modded for Kendra before she was in with PLM when she was still getting trolled by them. Sausage reached out to me after what I went through and was nice to me. We hardly spoke and I found out a lot about him that I had no idea about...
  13. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Oh, Angie being racist and making factually incorrect and ignorant statements…. What a shock 🙄🙄
  14. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Not her!
  15. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Shaking with rage. They don’t care whatsoever about how they affect people do they? As someone who’s been through sa, to just joke and mock it like this? With her openly admitting to it and to lying about her abortion reasons. And now she’s just said “well now we need to move on” Is she for...
  16. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    If you know more to help me then please reach out properly and help me because I don’t know what’s going on and I’m freaked out finding stuff out on here 😭 she said she knew me, I followed her and I messaged her to try figure out who she was/if she used to be under another name. I saw the stuff...
  17. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    You are the absolute sweetest 🥹😭🖤🖤🖤🖤
  18. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    An account was in Mabel’s saying how lovely I was and how they remember me from what happened because they were speaking out about it at the time. Don’t recognise the name but I feel like I know the voice? (Brain processing and memory issues… yay) Messaged them to figure out who it was but now...
  19. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    There is some very lovely sweet people on here 😭 I’m so happy they have Mabel’s back
  20. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Thank you. I only came across all this being bored waiting for Mabel to go live and I’m really glad I did. I’m feeling uneasy about everything tbh