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  1. Sasha fontain

    Iv never interacted with Sasha or on any lives with rudi. If my memory serves me right you was so far up Sasha’s backside you could lick her colon. Why was in the live and in box trying to tell your side of story with Sasha if not interested. Admit it she manipulated you aswell and you fell for...
  2. Sasha fontain

    But put out arnt you lisa as you got blocked from the live
  3. Sasha fontain

    Her life would be fulfilled then she’s always wanted a tattle thread to say look at me… iv arrived
  4. Sasha fontain

    Her life would be fulfilled then. She’s always wanted a tattle thread to say look at me Iv arrived
  5. Sasha fontain

    You will be checking in here all time now you are RELEVANT again. Just like you used to love fact you was mentioned on tattle. Oooo look at me being talked about… with your stop it stop but really was I love it I love it, somebody has noticed me at last
  6. Sasha fontain

    Wrong again. In past you have said I was slosher. Make your mind up lisa. You’re not interested because people saw right through you in lives and blocked you correct me if I’m wrong but this was like 2 weeks ago. You treied to have plenty to say then on Sasha but was shut down. Just because you...
  7. Sasha fontain

    You really underestimate lisa if you think she’s gonna give you to incriminate her that’s if she even has anything…more look at me look at me Iv got this Iv got that and actually doesn’t have anything just likes the attention you all give her
  8. Sasha fontain

    I am yes… I want to be her. I won’t to bring woman down at every opportunity. I want to be the pawn in everyone’s game. I want to mix with irrelevant people who can’t string a sentence together with out obsecenties or abuse. I want to have to wear more makeup than ru Paul to look good. I want to...
  9. Sasha fontain

    Fab…. You mean she’s licking her wounds till she’s needed by 1 of you to do dirty work for them
  10. Sasha fontain

  11. Sasha fontain

    Plus I don’t know why that person responded with her dislike of me I wasn’t replying to her unless I made a mistake. That’s fine if she doesn’t like me I’m a grown arse woman I can take it and have a far bigger vocabulary than to resort to name calling
  12. Sasha fontain

    I like those who are on a thread about Sasha fontain should stick to that. Lisa is just a by product as 1 of her biggest enablers few years ago I shall call her out on behaviour past and present
  13. Sasha fontain

    Agree 100% she tries to run with hare and the hounds. I won’t be communicating with the ladies on here who feel needs to name call me I’m far to old in head for that play ground stuff.
  14. Sasha fontain

    Ok no problem I won’t communicate with those who have to resort to profanity’s to get point across… bye bye
  15. Sasha fontain

    So why did you personally attack me for verbalising an opinion. I have not made personal derogatory comments towards lisa although I did agree with her being a knob. Lisa always backs off when hear is on her. She’s all mouth with her threats and fantasies of outing people. She’s so desperate to...
  16. Sasha fontain

    Exactly I can’t comment on there either. They bandy names around and throw insults at anybody who doesn’t share same narrative ad them. I called lisa out years ago and will continue to do so. She’s not a woman’s woman no matter how much she says she is. She likes the drama and attention it...
  17. Sasha fontain

    I wrong again you not very good detectives are you. I’m more than happy to give you my full details. Just because my opinion differs from your narrative doesn’t mean I’m a troll. It’s called freedom of speech we live in a democracy. Wouldn’t do for us all to hold Same opinion would it. Iv seen...
  18. Sasha fontain

    If your telling people to get over her why havnt you by deleting all your EVIDENCE to bring her down. They make out you support women but your previous post says better lisa if your supporting the mantra women supporting women
  19. Sasha fontain

    Oh dear lisa wrong again your no detective are you. I’m not Sam just an outsider looking in. You have just shown who and what you are though in recent post. See what I mean about relevance stating you have stuff to bring Sasha down. I don’t know who feisty is it these other people you mention...
  20. Sasha fontain

    You just love to try and be relevant don’t you lisa. Love to be in thick of any drama. Try to make out your all sweetness and light and so righteous. Wibble wobble right your a knob. All these people use you to do dirty work and your to thick to see it. All in the name of relevance