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  1. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends . Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age...
  2. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Oh and Paul your irrelevant just get over the fact we arnt friends anymore. These people are not your friends . Yet do continue to sit in this forum trolling me because you must be really hurt to keep wonderinf what I'm doing and talking about me. It's really odd behaviour from a man your age...
  3. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Are you being serious ?? I had a man in my home when my children were at school!!!! But again I don't have to fing justify anything to you! You all make up scenarious in your heads. And it's really strange !! Don't like what I post ? Don't watch me it really is as simple as that . He was...
  4. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Are you being serious ?? I had a man in my home when my children were at school!!!! But again I don't have to fing justify anything to you! You all make up scenarious in your heads. And it's really strange !! Don't like what I post ? Don't watch me it really is as simple as that . He was...
  5. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Sorry where is the proof I have any man in my home when the kids are here ?? Ohhhhh yet again made up fing bollocks . At this point this really is just wasting my time
  6. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Sorry where is the proof I have any man in my home when the kids are here ?? Ohhhhh yet again made up fing bollocks . At this point this really is just wasting my time
  7. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Oh the exact same thing how you trolls have done ? Commented ? Aired ? Re shared ? Do you not think it dangerous calling me a fing peadophile ? That my kids sexually abuse each other? Etc etc because many of you in here have! Don't even start with any moral highground of me posting...
  8. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Oh the exact same thing how you trolls have done ? Commented ? Aired ? Re shared ? Do you not think it dangerous calling me a fing peadophile ? That my kids sexually abuse each other? Etc etc because many of you in here have! Don't even start with any moral highground of me posting...
  9. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Because that's absolutely none of your business ...would you like to upload your signed housing tenancy with your address and signature? Weirdo.
  10. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Because that's absolutely none of your business ...would you like to upload your signed housing tenancy with your address and signature? Weirdo.
  11. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I'll answer that when you answer me this has my body size got to do with you for 1 ? Because quite frankly I find that weird your even asking that . This really is getting silly now isn't it.
  12. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I'll answer that when you answer me this has my body size got to do with you for 1 ? Because quite frankly I find that weird your even asking that . This really is getting silly now isn't it.
  13. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Jesus christ . How did you spend your evening last night?? Oh wait let me guess .....Sat timing account logins , my posts and guessing where I was 🥴
  14. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Jesus christ . How did you spend your evening last night?? Oh wait let me guess .....Sat timing account logins , my posts and guessing where I was 🥴
  15. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Oh get a grip will you, again why are you all so concerned with what I was doing yesterday evening? Are you rhat invested in me ? I was at a friend's last night is that ok? Would you like photographic wveidenxe of how i spent my evening?, 🫠Sorry I didn't spend my time in here yesterday evening.
  16. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Oh get a grip will you, again why are you all so concerned with what I was doing yesterday evening? Are you rhat invested in me ? I was at a friend's last night is that ok? Would you like photographic wveidenxe of how i spent my evening?, 🫠Sorry I didn't spend my time in here yesterday evening.
  17. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I won't be bear baited into showing you anything what so ever . I don't have to prove anything to anyone on here who have harassed me and tried to interfer with my life and most Importantly my children's life and also people in here who thinks it's ok to call me a peadophile. I like I've said...
  18. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    I won't be bear baited into showing you anything what so ever . I don't have to prove anything to anyone on here who have harassed me and tried to interfer with my life and most Importantly my children's life and also people in here who thinks it's ok to call me a peadophile. I like I've said...
  19. Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    How about I question you with the s I've seen you written ?? Because what I've read your also behaving like a child.
  20. J

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    How about I question you with the s I've seen you written ?? Because what I've read your also behaving like a child.