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  1. ohmychrist!

    Becki Jones @beckijones4

    The facial expressions just killed me off
  2. ohmychrist!

    Becki Jones @beckijones4

    Oh boke
  3. ohmychrist!

    NI TikTokers

    Place to discuss NI TikTokers!
  4. ohmychrist!

    The Ingham Family

    Exactly. No need for all of them toys, the wee ones are so obviously overstimulated.
  5. ohmychrist!

    Help and advice with Comment Cafe groups

    Is there a NI tiktokers thread here, before I make one? x
  6. ohmychrist!

    Becki Jones @beckijones4

    Hi everywunnn, new to this site and may aswell just pop myself in here! You all are funny people I may add xx
  7. ohmychrist!

    Becki Jones @beckijones4

    100% she has feeders. The way she slops the food about when she’s eating.