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  1. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Yes she has... probably got benefits after her ! you would think if she, 'loved' her vulnerable followers that much that she would have let them know... selfish, scrounger to the end !
  2. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Wow, that's exactly what I thought....
  3. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    One of my most heartbreaking moments is when Lissa didn't get up to get a Doctor's appointment for Elsie who had been sent home from the school the previous day, she had blurred vision and a dizzy head...she cried to see a doctor and even Gracie told her to shut her mouth. The day she was sent...
  4. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Damn, I'll have to send more up to date screen recordings....
  5. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Scroll 📜
  6. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    It definitely is !!! 😂
  7. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Yep smiley faces and waffles 😂
  8. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    For goodness sake, go get yourself educated! you can't string a decent sentence together let alone provide any educated response... all you are doing is raking over old coals which will not benefit your FRIEND in anyway whatsoever. If anything if proves my point that you are vulnerable and have...
  9. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Oh dear.... swearing again!
  10. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Aww thank you for your interest 😘
  11. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    I'm sorry if I embarrassed you 😊
  12. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Go to school, learn grammar and punctuation, then maybe you will be entertained....
  13. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    This is why I call them enablers because they are not REAL friends, as you say they are not allowed to have an opinion of their own, they just follow her about like sheep and agree with every word she says.....Lissa carefully selects her Mods like she selects her rubbish with her litter picker...
  14. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Absolutely agree !!!
  15. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Look on Mel's page, I have a dm from Amy to say she got evicted and never got the money 😞 but as for the other... Donna Moffat and Lissa know about that unless the donater is still on the page or there are screen recordings but I have already raised flags with the Go Fund me team x
  16. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    They have a go fund me set up in Mel's name (not her sister) for house deposit, she had a £200 donation for a, 'holiday' which she said Donna Moffat is looking after and she set up a go fund me in her daughter's friends name (Leni) for somebody called Amy who never got the money 😕
  17. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Oooh good idea....I feel an Amazon order coming on for a new memory stick 👍👍👍
  18. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Very genuine 😂😂😂
  19. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Oooh really? ....I am sooo sorry, maybe it's because we don't know the ins and outs of TikTock like you do ! we don't sit begging for takeaways and false nails like you do!!! Hagbag !!!
  20. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    I saw that too, she tells us that is is to rest and recharge but it's really because she has been reported for benefit fraud (so limiting hours) , Social Services have told her to stop neglecting her children for social media and the main thing is that, 'precious Gracie ' will have told her to...