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    Unstable mabel going at MT like some demented woman made herself look stupid. MT spoke facts, she does get all up in other peoples business. She sounded like a bitter ex, because alex went in angie's box. She has too much to say, and then to attempt to start on MT was her biggest mistake as he...
  2. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    / you all sit there taking the moral high ground! How dare you, you sit on live streaming all day, trauma dumping ya s but ya need to take accountability for your on actions.
  3. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    /a soluteky sick of unstable mabels attitude towards everyone else's disability, like hers is the only one that matters. She is aggressive and mouthy, laughing and sniggering as though she is always right, your vile and u r a bully mabel
  4. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Like s she is, all about gobbing that one, look at her, trying to gain favour from marina to cover the vile way she treated her
  5. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Yeah, self impotance again, here we go with the me me me ...
  6. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    This one is full of self importance, does my head in. Genuinely concerned my ass...
  7. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Angie, lynz is all me me me, charlie is creeping slithering snake 🐍 pineapple is a slimey mouth piece, and you angie your fanny stinks worse than a fish dock