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  1. M


    Now she reckons she reported herself to SS and they haven't rung her back. Absolute lies. She anticipating them because 💯 someone will have called them on her. She's prepping for the story of why they are involved and Shaun's been told to leave the house.
  2. M


    I don't even follow her, she constantly comes up on my fyp probably my own fault because I stop and watch sometimes 🤣
  3. M


    There's also zero chance that social services would allow him to live there under these circumstances. They've must have already had SS involvement as they both attended courses, which I'm assuming they were previously told they needed to do as part of of a SS intervention and so that he could...
  4. M


    Agree the house story story doesn't add up at all, I think she originally said August and now it's November. One of the reasons I haven't just blocked her from my fyp is because I want to see how that pans out. Has always set off my BS detector. Especially as she still decorates the place she's...
  5. M


    She's awful! I'd love to comment on her tiktok, but I'd be blocked instantly. She's so abusive and the only reason she has him back is she didn't want to look after her boys herself - sending them off with his dad any chance she got. Shaun avoided her for months, doing whatever - while she's...
  6. Tiktok Wrongun's

    Unwholesomehelena she needs a thread, but I don't have permission I don't think
  7. Imtheproblem

    I really want to dislike her, but I don't, she's funny
  8. Beth boymum

    Now she's telling people (defo not for Shawn's benefit) that's she's booked a holiday same time, same place as always 🤣
  9. Beth boymum

    Her latest antics have me cringing, she's embarrassingly obvious - she can't stand that that the ex won't get in touch with her. Baiting the kids didn't work so now she's using a bloke. She needs to concentrate on being a mum and getting up with her kids in the morning, BASIC parenting.
  10. Beth boymum

    She's really been trying to lay it on thick about the boys missing their dad, really goading the ex to get back in touch. She makes it so obvious it's for her though
  11. Imtheproblem

    It's too much, even though I like and follow. All the time - like the girl, but not chill
  12. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    I don't even know whose the goodies and whose the baddies at this point 🤣
  13. Beth boymum

    I bought into the whole ex story about a month back, but there's a lot of BS in her tales. A very toxic relationship, but she's as bad as he is!
  14. Beth boymum

    Needs a thread, keeps coming up on my fyp - if she isn't selling tiktok shop se she's bitching about her ex, oversharing her kids lives and bragging about her income.