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  1. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Someone who creates multiple accounts, helped dox a Tattle User, poses as the people they are targetting. Baffling bahaviour. They've said today that I've gone after their work socials, etc, and I've 100% no interest in that. Someone else they may have pissed off could be; but I've certainly...
  2. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Can I just say I have NOTHiNG to do with naming anyone or doxing anyone or anything else someone is accusing me of. I run a Death Pool on Tattle. That's it. Ignore what someone is saying on Reddit and elsewhere; I've not 'gone after' or named anyone. I've no interest in them or their games and...
  3. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    I hope you realise the Sir Lancelot on here is the fake one mentioned above and not the real one (me) from Tattle's Death Pool, as my post of "yellow" proved. It's very strange and I'm glad Admin commented
  4. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Sure. Someone who has multiple accounts and has picked numerous celebrities for their Death Pool then ranted about how 'sick' a Death Pool is LIKE A HYPOCRITE and went much further with other people and doxxing and has created the fake 'Sir Lancelot' account here (IT IS NOT THE REAL ONE, THAT'S...
  5. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Just quick proof that the person above with the username and picture of Sir Lancelot from Tattle IS NOT the actual Death Pool Sir Lancelot (that'd be me). I said here at 3:31pm that I'd post something with the word 'yellow' and voila, at 3:36pm, something with the word yellow. Now cut it out...
  6. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    The worst part after all their bitching? They have Death Pool lists under all of their accounts, the hypocrite 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Nul points for them at the end of the year, I fing assure you 😂😂😂
  7. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Oh gee, look at that... Now kindly grow up, you lunatic.
  8. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Ok you maniac. Fine. Prove you're Sir Lancelot (which you can't because it is me). Post on the Death Pool thread with the word 'skeleton' in a sentence. You won't, because you can't. I'll prove it's actually me on the Death Pool thread by posting a sentence with the word 'yellow' in it. It's...
  9. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Just to point out that the user Sir Lancelot on here, with the same Tattle user name and picture as the Death Pool creator on Tattle, is NOT that person. I am. It's the same person with multiple accounts who is talking to themselves. It's all very odd and I've stayed out of it until now.
  10. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Right. Whoever the do you are, cut it out. You're using my Tattle name and pretending to be me? Get a life. Sadly, you're just some loser using my Tattle name here. What's wrong with you? We all know who you are. I've stayed out of it all and not commented on it here, Reddit, anywhere. Cut...
  11. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Right. Whoever the do you are, cut it out. You're using my Tattle name and pretending to be me? Get a life. I've stayed out of it all but you're just some loser using my Tattle name here. What's wrong with you? We all know who you are -you moaned about the Death Pool with your different...