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  1. Whitney Ainscough...... It's me Bad mom

    Surprise surprise she’s back with her boyfriend now she’s started arguing with the tik tok woman and today says she’s going in the ring with someone… erm I wonder who it will be! She’s such a bullshitting money grabber🤮🤮
  2. Whitney Ainscough...... It's me Bad mom

    Yes but he’s working for her apparently. Straight back round there doing the housework today lol no wonder she said last night she couldn’t be bothered she knew he would be back to do it. She’s humiliating him.
  3. Whitney Ainscough...... It's me Bad mom

    Probably done it for the views and it’s backfired or not as she’s getting 1000,s of views. People love a bit of drama! She should never of involved him in her page, she’s obviously loving the cash flow( good for her) but if I was in his shoes I’d pack my stuff and leave see how she does without...
  4. Lou @Lifewithloux

    The comments were gold today. She was explaining she would read abc to the kid.
  5. Lou’s Bong-alow

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    The comments were gold today. She was explaining she would read abc to the kid.
  6. Lou @Lifewithloux

    I thought she said before that she would get 2 for twenty dunno if she’s talking takeaways or drugs!
  7. Lou’s Bong-alow

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I thought she said before that she would get 2 for twenty dunno if she’s talking takeaways or drugs!
  8. Lou @Lifewithloux

    She paused it for 5 mins and everyone carried on talking. She said to Gorm that it’s much better on the other place people were nasty on here lol good luck with that dusty no one’s gonna pay to watch you over there.
  9. Lou’s Bong-alow

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She paused it for 5 mins and everyone carried on talking. She said to Gorm that it’s much better on the other place people were nasty on here lol good luck with that dusty no one’s gonna pay to watch you over there.
  10. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Who’s going to pay to listen to that drivel?
  11. Lou’s Bong-alow

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Who’s going to pay to listen to that drivel?
  12. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Begfest unlimited. fing whining for stuff and cash. Who is she referring to about getting stuff but not what she wants Carol? She could get the world and she would still be sitting begging in her stinky dressing gown.
  13. Lou’s Bong-alow

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Begfest unlimited. fing whining for stuff and cash. Who is she referring to about getting stuff but not what she wants Carol? She could get the world and she would still be sitting begging in her stinky dressing gown.
  14. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Don’t report her too much and get her kicked off sm il have nothing to look at🤣mind you after I watched her on TT the other day I had ‘ suggested for me’ some old scruffy drunk with a can of beer rambling on and on! …No thanks!
  15. Lou’s Bong-alow

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Don’t report her too much and get her kicked off sm il have nothing to look at🤣mind you after I watched her on TT the other day I had ‘ suggested for me’ some old scruffy drunk with a can of beer rambling on and on! …No thanks!
  16. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Ste will probably knock him out and smoke his ashes 🤣🤣🤣
  17. Lou’s Bong-alow

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Ste will probably knock him out and smoke his ashes 🤣🤣🤣
  18. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Shall we give joey her address 🤣🤣
  19. Lou’s Bong-alow

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Shall we give joey her address 🤣🤣
  20. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Her drugs have arrived and she’s nodding somewhere.