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  1. F

    Chels mchodg

    Giving JJ coke and Fanta at 3 years old is just wrong 🤢
  2. chels mchodg

    Don’t believe for one second he was sick, he was nowhere to be seen even on the trains etc even if he was sick you’d still have seen/heard him!
  3. chels mchodg

    Usually at butlins she documents everything.. barely had any videos this time and Alex has been MIA… defo kicked off again hasn’t he
  4. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    She desperately needs a good chop on her hair… it’s so dead at the ends and just looks awful!
  5. chels mchodg

    I don’t understand why she brags so much. She was bragging in the comments that she had over 30k in the bank before she deleted it… if you’re so rich why do you still live in what looks like a crack den? Surely you would move and have a nicer house, and buy clothes that actually fit you
  6. chels mchodg

    Alex saying they shopped at Aldi and the chicken made him sick after one fajita.. absolute lies. As if they’re trying to make out they’re better than Aldi. Look at the place they call a home.
  7. Imtheproblem

    I really like her, think she comes across quite genuine and really entertaining
  8. chels mchodg

    I dunno I think she’s just not filming the take aways anymore because she’s posting less food videos than normal..
  9. chels mchodg

    why does everything they cook look vile
  10. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    A lot of the time I believe she probably is
  11. chels mchodg

    Oh yeah I don’t think it’s a black eye. I just think she’s let herself go so badly
  12. chels mchodg

    I feel like even with a toddler and a newborn, you can still look after yourself but she doesn’t seem to care at all
  13. chels mchodg

    She looks sooooo rough on Alex’s video of the caravan.. proves how many filters she uses