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  1. Sasha fontain

    None existant same as every other day. Makes me laugh this people love to self diagnose
  2. Sasha fontain

    She’s no more bi polar than I am 😂😂
  3. Sasha fontain

    How am I a liar ???
  4. Sasha fontain

    No but I love how invested you are in outing me 😂😂😂😂😂for what gain I don’t know
  5. Sasha fontain

    Maybe I’m not tattle or any awareness page
  6. Sasha fontain

  7. Sasha fontain

    Only schizoid affective disorder she has is personality disorder and delusions of grandeur
  8. Sasha fontain

    You say you have all the above. Do you ever get conflicted with which profile you’re going to use depending on your voices ?Only schizoid affective disorder I see you having personality disorder and delusions of grandeur
  9. Sasha fontain

    I’m not sure what drinking are drugs have to do with reply as I know I didn’t mention them
  10. Sasha fontain

    Wow you sound like me and my job but obviously I am more eloquent with speech. Another Johnny big bullocks with you wouldn’t want me turning up..why wouldn’t I ? You don’t know me same as I don’t you but Iv given you opportunity to contact me privately even if just for a catch up and discuss...
  11. Sasha fontain

    It’s that a veiled threat to watch it???? No I don’t know lisa and from her behaviour I have seen I would never associate with people like her. Now if your going to threaten me I suggest you find some way of private messaging me so I can give you my personal details and where to find me
  12. Sasha fontain

    How did she say it to their faces when doesn’t know who they are or does lisa being lisa make up a scenario in her head that she knows all of them and then run with it
  13. Sasha fontain

    I was calling lisa Johnny as in Johnny big bollocks with her comment in capitals and passive aggressive tone
  14. Sasha fontain

    Here comes Johnny again
  15. Sasha fontain

    Not mocking you at all it all makes sense now….poor you such an affliction
  16. Sasha fontain

    Do you have Tourette’s or are you just of low intelligence and can’t think of anything else to write apart from obscenities and repeating yourself. I have never followed lisa so wouldn’t be blocked I wasn’t even aware she had her own tik tok platform. I thought she just jumped into peoples...
  17. Sasha fontain

    So uncouth. Can you not converse orally or written without resorting to name calling. I don’t want to be relevant unlike Lisa.whether you like it or not we have freedom of speech in UK and I will pass an opinion on her and her behaviour and call her out on it. I don’t need your permission
  18. Sasha fontain

    You make so many presumptions don’t you. I’m not on tattle. I’m just an outsider looking in. You was doing everything in your power to put people off tattle. You accused me of being someone off there cus I viewed your profile. I have very limited following and follow few and no I’m not clout...
  19. Sasha fontain

    Sam and Laura and all others have stood up and took accountability all you say is you walked away. Yes you did and fair play to you but own your part in all the threats you made and stuff you said before you did walk away. You assume I have no life and I’m jealous of Sasha and even you. Get a...
  20. Sasha fontain

    I don’t hate her at all she’s good at what she’s does. It’s people like you who enabled the behaviour and act all Johnny big bollocks I have problem with. Own what you did and said and admit she played you like a fiddle.