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  1. claire85mylife & Hale family

    I can’t stand her, for many reasons. She’s thick, uneducated and can’t spell. She can’t cook, even though she thinks she can, everything has passata and mustard powder in it, just gross. She lies about her size and has non-existent tits! She constantly played the ‘mental health’ card. Oh need...
  2. Famous Mary - @famous.mary7

    I watch her, she’s car crash tv. Stating the obvious but she’s clearly mentally unstable/ill. She loves antagonising people, it’s like it’s a bit of sport for her. I dislike her, but can’t stop watching! I’m just waiting for her to pick on the wrong person.
  3. mjbyrnex - Mel

    I used to watch her too, at first I found her stories both alarming and interesting and thought she’s done well moving on and dealing with her trauma, however, I can’t watch her anymore, she’s just so repetitive and I get the feeling she actually enjoys holding court with her stories, it’s a...