Search results

  1. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Honestly I searched this page weeks ago as it was mentioned in a live and haven’t been back since.I honestly dont appreciate being blamed for something I haven’t done when I’ve stayed in my lane away from social media. But to be woken at stupid o’clock in the morning saying myself & Mandy who...
  2. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    This is my one and only account that I have on here & it is under my own name! I have just joined to clear up that I am not under any other name on here.I have not & would not troll anyone who has lost there parent child or any other memeber of there family. I’m not one to speak on other...
  3. UnstableMabel

    No that’s just wrong! How can you make the most horrible things up about someone! Nobody deserves this so I suggest you delete it.
  4. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Who the hell are you?? You are causing drama on my name and Mandy’s! Why not just out yourself instead of causing trouble & saying the most vile things across this app 🤬🤬 How dare you go for anyone who has lost anyone. From what I have seen regarding your name is nothing but hate towards people...