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  1. The Factfreak

    He did everything he has been accused of. If people want to allow themselves to be gaslighted by him, that's their fault. Heard the saying if you throw someone enough rope they eventually hang themselves? Well he's hung himself many times on social media. He contradicts himself over and over...
  2. The Factfreak

    He is definitely a narcissist. I heard a couple of his exes are involved in his exposure coming up soon on tiktok. I'd like to be part of that and help any way I can.
  3. The Factfreak

    I've been directed to this post because I actually know who James Hope is for real and I know what he has done to the girls he gets involved with and I say girls because he likes them in their teens. Be warned. He is the master manipulator, the biggest gaslighter and a compulsive liar. His...