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  1. mjbyrnex - Mel

    Not Andrew just somebody who hates people being bullied online because somebody doesn't like them
  2. mjbyrnex - Mel

    When she has asked people not to because she has photos of her stepchildren on her socials I think people should respect that
  3. mjbyrnex - Mel

    Like people bullying people online because they don't like them
  4. mjbyrnex - Mel

    Why should she let people talk s about her and say her family's names
  5. mjbyrnex - Mel

    And looking at people on social media you don't know isn't strange
  6. mjbyrnex - Mel

    Grow up
  7. mjbyrnex - Mel

    If you don't like her, you don't have to watch her videos. If you are triggered by what she is saying by all means, tell her nicely. Don't be a dick about it on a public forum
  8. mjbyrnex - Mel

    It's about believing people when they say something has happened to them when you come on such a public website to be horrible about somebody else. It says more about you than it does about them
  9. mjbyrnex - Mel

  10. mjbyrnex - Mel

    I haven't come on this website to be horrible I've come to try and raise awareness that you can think what you want, but the second you put it online. You are damaging people's mental health no matter what you think of them. No matter what they've done, that is not normal behaviour
  11. mjbyrnex - Mel

    You don't have to watch things you don't like online You also don't have to be horrible to people If you don't like her content, just block it what I'm trying to get across Is this website is really bad for people's mental health and it's toxic. It's not hard to just ignore something this isn't...
  12. mjbyrnex - Mel

    Yes I do if talking about it online helps her I also support her and if I didn't I wouldn't come online and be horrible about somebody that's the difference this website is damaging to people's mental health, you can think whatever you want, but the second you go online and say it. It's bullying...
  13. mjbyrnex - Mel

    It's her tiktok. She can do what she wants
  14. mjbyrnex - Mel

    It happened to her. Why would she come online and lie about it think about it logically
  15. mjbyrnex - Mel

    You can think what you want about anybody but coming online and being abusive is not normal behaviour
  16. mjbyrnex - Mel

    Anybody with an ounce of common sense actual empathy can see she is telling the truth. It's people like you online is why people don't talk about trauma. Have a bit of empathy it's not hard
  17. mjbyrnex - Mel

    The police have had a report saying she's talking about people online the police have then got to follow that up but we all know she hasn't actually done anything wrong I'm not going to continue to argue with you online because you are clearly a sandwich short of a picnic
  18. mjbyrnex - Mel

    How hard is it to understand that she's talking about people who are narcissists .Who clearly don't want to be talked about online I'm done arguing with knobheads online for the day .I will continue to defend her because she's done nothing wrong
  19. mjbyrnex - Mel

    What is wrong with people that you can't just scroll past something you don't like online The same people have mental health matters on socials It's not hard to ignore something online that you don't like but making people feel like s because you don't like them isn't normal
  20. mjbyrnex - Mel

    No I'm just not a fing bully