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  1. W

    Joey Barton has apologised to Jeremy Vine and agreed to pay him £75,000 in damages for making defamatory comments

    But that's the poster on X sued, not x sued as it's people's own responsibility what they post. People on tattle could be sued in theory but it's different as they aren't public figures with a blue tick. People on X with throwaway emails can't really be sued as it's near impossible to know who...
  2. W

    Invite code - Tattle Life

    No one is likely to give one to a brand new poster as they could be someone banned for trolling.
  3. W

    Invite code - Tattle Life

    I think you have to know someone as someone on tattle won't give it out to a random. The mods on tattle said it was taking too much time with trolls and people ignoring tattle rules as they would create a new account if banned. It opened up this time last year for a while so maybe it will again.
  4. W

    Why is tattle life still online?

    It's not going anywhere. I know that must be a disappointment to all the influencers. I see far worse on Twitter, Reddit, Insta and Facebook than the worst on tattle.