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    Stuart and Francis

    Agree with you there, it all comes across as fake.
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    Stuart and Francis

    Does anyone see these two? Totally self obsessed . Rio is treated like a baby, I'm sure he is nearly 3. Should be out of nappies by now and far too big for a high chair. Those kids never sit at a table for a family meal unless out at a restaurant. Would love to see them sitting down as a...
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    The Coles

    Boregan needs to grown up. Crying like a baby when dropping Shane off at the airport. No tears for leaving the kids with their grandparents though. I can't watch her. Who wants to watch someone running and talking about themselves. What makes you think people want to see you running. Loves herself.
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    The Coles

    Does anyone ever see their TT? They have become (more) boring. All Boregan does now is show off her figure, parade about in new clothes whilst filming herself looking in the mirror. Then there is the running, filming herself running. Why is that even interesting i have to scroll past. I really...
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    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    And her teeth are disgusting. Almost black. She must have horrific cholesterol levels with all that meat she eats.
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    Nanna Bea @Nannabea

    I'm new here and so pleased I can post. Nannabea boasts about how she earns more on tik tok than her normal job. Hope she is declaring her income, which I doubt after all she never declares her Ads.