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  1. M

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Don't give him ideas, he'll be ringing the air ambulance for brain damage next! 🤣
  2. M

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    For the people blocked, here is another minute and a half of absolute drivel of rinse and repeat The bit about "I wouldn't wish cancer and trolling on my worst enemy" made me laugh, because didn't you 'troll' Sarah, James? We know you're sat at home refreshing commentcafe waiting to see what we...
  3. M

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Sharing here before he deletes it
  4. M

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Jesus I've missed ALOT! took 3 days off my phone whilst poorly (yes james, people who are unwell tend to not be glued to their phones livestreaming their admissions) to come back and see all this! Holiday again? This man is something else. Always a new scandal with this one. Any quick bullet...
  5. M

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Had to make an account to join cause what on earth!!!!! This man is twisted. Finally, some people with common sense. Tiring watching him scratching his head and spouting the same bs.