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  1. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

  2. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    But you said you weren’t in the group chat, so the statement doesn’t apply to you?
  3. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Here come the fact police.
  4. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    For your baby reindeer jokes?
  5. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

  6. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

  7. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Your language is disgraceful. Wash your mouth out with soap. Have some decorum.
  8. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Don’t keep all the tea to yourself 😏
  9. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Oh but then she can’t go to the Chicken Wine meet up
  10. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Stupid is as stupid does. It’ll never sink in with them
  11. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    A bit like everyone from the nonce group thinks anyone who doesn’t conform is Yel?
  12. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Let’s all remember @bonjour hello STUPIDLY posted information she shouldn’t have. But it is not doxxing. It is not a serious police matter. She shouldn’t have done it. But LS is as stupid for outing herself in the first place.
  13. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    What do I have to apologise for? I didn’t share anything. Girl I think you’ve got heat stroke because you’re combining two people into one. Run back to your toxic little leader who you’re a mouth piece for. It won’t be long until you’re on the receiving end of her vitriol.
  14. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Far from.
  15. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    “sis” No I didn’t. I also said it didn’t need to be brought here.
  16. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    As do you, Teacher.
  17. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I very well do understand the difference. LS didn’t just share her dissertation did she? She shared her Vinted handle. All easily traceable. If she didn’t want to be found she shouldn’t have posted. It’s the internet, people will always go looking if you leave yourself open. Obviously you...
  18. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    My reading comprehension is just fine thank you, though hasn’t been checked since I was in infant school. But thank you for your teacher evaluation I’ll be sure to inform my parents. My point was just that. The parents information wasn’t available LS’s was.
  19. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    And I’m responding to someone calling me an unjustified and frankly vile swear word. Only the most uneducated dregs of society freely use such an abhorrent term.
  20. M

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    And what are your thoughts on the names and addresses of the parents of the Southport attacker being leaked everywhere. Is that okay for you? I suppose you agree with the application the DM submitted to the courts?