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  1. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    LOL no one is saying lock you up for being naive! You have private chats with the pedofile and you were convinced the nonce was a great person, despite all the sketchy stuff. You have private chats with rita and are convinced she's a good person, despite all the vile stuff with posting women...
  2. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    No one has mentioned you in ages. Why don't you take your possy advice n block this and move on. I wanted to quote you when you said about how much you trusted Rita and didn't believe anything people were that not so long ago you personally vouched for the good character of Kevin who turned out...
  3. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Change your privacy setting. Problem solved. But I doubt anyone cares about you (sorry).
  4. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    That's the 2nd time I've said it. Why are some so vaxxed and wanting to shut down others. Strange.
  5. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    There's been sub chats created without her.
  6. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    You can read posts without an account. You quoted me about not trusting her. I don't trust someone that throws insults about women's bodies and faces. That's vile behaviour. I only saw CYR on the TS thread but now people have warned about her I see she's a very different person on other threads.
  7. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    There's loads in public. This post Olivia Bowen #4 Says she’s getting broody, but ask her about kids and she gets real moody Saying a woman in her underwear makes her feel sick is not someone that should be part of a positive community about supporting each other and lifting each other up. There...
  8. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I don't trust someone based on their previous behaviour and actions. That ain't bullying it's called not being naive!
  9. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Lots of us don't trust ritas. Hence why there's been other chats created where she's not deliberately not been invited. But no on has made anything of substance as to what she's apparently done. So we have no idea who to believe!
  10. P

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Can you explain more what she's done? A few of us are apprehensive of her and there's clearly been some drama with groups other than chicken wine.