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  1. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I’m not the one making digs at people for having a WhatsApp group
  2. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Wormpoohead can I just ask why you’re so invested in this?
  3. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I’m not middle aged or overweight babe sorry to disappoint
  4. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Some of you need to get a life it’s really sad not gonna lie
  5. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    So you don’t trust her for absolutely no reason? Low key seems like bullying to me
  6. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Says the one rabidly obsessing over some random group chat.
  7. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Except im not in a nonce group and never called anyone yel?
  8. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I’m not that bothered I’m just finding it funny to be honest. Why are you bothered enough to try to guess who I am
  9. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Not sure why you think I’m Rita to be honest
  10. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I’m not Rita but go off babes
  11. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Can we stop acting like people knowingly befriended nonces because I’m pretty sure that’s no what happened
  12. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    You’re trying to justify the sharing peoples information on a forum without their consent. LS can post her information personal info whenever she wants because it’s hers to post. Other people do not have that right. It’s the basic rules of consent.
  13. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Their information likely was available since the electoral roll exists
  14. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    While you’ve spent the whole thread s talking people. Pot meet kettle
  15. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Right but I’m not sitting here calling people uneducated as an insult like you are
  16. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Says the person who dedicates their spare time to s talking someone they don’t know
  17. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Right but have you ever given any context about it? Because what are you warning against exactly?
  18. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I don’t understand what your end game is? To come on her and talk s about two random girls from tattle?
  19. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I only know her name because someone shared an article about her. This whole thread is just people talking about this one girl it’s just all strange and a little creepy
  20. S

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    You’ve spent ages going on about her and sharing articles about her. Why do you care so much? Do you have nothing better to do than google a random girl?