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  1. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I'm no more invested than anyone else here. I just think it's wrong to share personal information on an anonymous thread 🤷🏼‍♀️. Think I've made that pretty clear
  2. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Amy's name is fine, she chose to use that as her username here. I'm talking about the two other names shared on this thread. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... names were shared ELSEWHERE, not here! It's not right for anybody to be sharing peoples names if they haven't HERE themselves.
  3. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    That was not the name I was referring to. Grow up
  4. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Again with the real name? This is what I mean.. there is no need to keep going on and saying them! I think it's quite obvious people have decided to choose to not judge people based on some randoms saying stuff online without any proof
  5. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    She told someone who had her number to call her didn't she? I'm sure she doesn't want her number posted for everyone to see. The fact you're even saying this shows you clearly have no respect for anyone, and your "wanting to warn people" is quite obviously a load of tit!
  6. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

  7. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Oh does this mean you do? You have insider knowledge to know it came from the Taylor group? I'm going by what I've seen here, and the two names attached. One of them has literally posted saying she doesn't like Taylor swift and isn't in the group. So surely that would mean it's from someone...
  8. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Considering it appears to be numbers shared by people not in the chats, I'm pretty sure they aren't. I think it should get deleted, because spiteful people keep sharing people's personal information, which is unfair. They at least need to mod the thread better. Yes the numbers were deleted, but...
  9. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    May as well have then! I don't think it's an issue, people wanted to talk out of tattle and potentially become friends. People meet their partners online so I don't think it's a massive deal. Obviously there are some people out there who are idiots and share people's numbers outside of those...
  10. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Sorry but I think you're incorrect here. The person who shared about sub chats clearly isn't in the private chat based on what they have said here.
  11. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    You may not be, but your comment come across like "serves them right". Which is a little unfair, they can share their own numbers if they choose to, others absolutely should not be sharing them
  12. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    They have been deleted now it seems. This doesn't even matter at this point. It's peoples choice to give out their own number, for others to share it on a forum like this is not okay!
  13. Reports

    @Admin your rules clearly state no personal information should be shared. But names, personal details and phone numbers keep getting shared on the Taylor swift tattle thread. This is really not okay. I think it needs to be shut down, it's not fair on the people getting their information shared.
  14. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Honestly, anyone sharing anybodys number on here is just disgusting. @Admin think may be worth stepping in, or getting rid of the thread because seems this keeps happening?
  15. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    It doesn't bother me, the point I have made many times is they have been warned now. It seems a bit obsessive to keep going over the same thing.
  16. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    Serious question? Why do you care so much? Like it doesn't appear to affect you anymore, you're out of your situation with the person you claim doxxed people, so why do you actually care enough about what others do to keep commenting about it here? OI'm just shocked it's still being talked about
  17. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I stand corrected. I thought you were referring to the other post which was similar and a lot worse. Oh well, I'm glad you managed to prove me wrong 👍🏻
  18. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    I was corrected for quoting the wrong post. I thought I'd return the favour that's all ☺️
  19. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    As funny as you think your post is... I think you're getting the accounts mixed up. It was a different poster who made that comment
  20. I

    Tattle Taylor swift thread

    All my comments are simply pointing out the obvious... people are being accused of stuff and even doxxed for what looks like no reason. It's just really weird behaviour so I'm calling it out. I'm not saying you should stop posting, I'm saying people should just stop accusing people of stuff...