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  1. B

    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Thanks for giving me the chance to give my side of what happened, and believe me there is no way back for Barry. No second chances as far as kids go, there are too many abuse survivors amongst us for that to ever be considered. Now I'm going to go back to being just a reader in this place...
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    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    I could try and explain why he just came out with it, but I can only come up with maybe he suddenly became ill and confused, but no because I won't make excuses for him and try and provide a reason for it when he didn't even do that himself. We were talking about it last night after it happened...
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    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    I think that was why I didn't even realise what he had said until it was played back to me, as it had no relation to what I was saying. Shortly after the recording ended Barry had a coughing fit and sounded like he was struggling to breathe and ended his live, so I went on live and people came...
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    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Hi, apologies to Charlie for contacting you asking you to clear up the confusion regarding what was said last night. I went into a bit of a panic reading the reactions to what I said before Barry made the remark, I never considered that anyone would think I was discussing children because I had...