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  1. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I’ll never understand what’s going through some peoples heads on Tattle. They’re so fixated on being right that they can’t see how ridiculous they sound. My neighbour was on EOL care and she was sat up and chatting right up until the day before she died, the hospital staff were asking if there...
  2. C

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I’ll never understand what’s going through some peoples heads on Tattle. They’re so fixated on being right that they can’t see how ridiculous they sound. My neighbour was on EOL care and she was sat up and chatting right up until the day before she died, the hospital staff were asking if there...
  3. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I think the way those on Tattle are behaving is a disgrace. Counting down to his death, calling hospitals and being cruel right until the end is barbaric. You have to ask what is wrong with yourself to behave in such a way. I hope they never have to experience such cruelty in their final months.
  4. C

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I think the way those on Tattle are behaving is a disgrace. Counting down to his death, calling hospitals and being cruel right until the end is barbaric. You have to ask what is wrong with yourself to behave in such a way. I hope they never have to experience such cruelty in their final months.
  5. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Tattle is the most frustrating website I have ever came across. I was a long term VIP member but I got banned for simply having a minor opinion. They throw warnings around for silly things while others get away with saying the most awful things. Not to mention closing for registrations time...